Chapter 3:Not A Good Day

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Dipper POV

I Woke Up And I Hear A Noise Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Dipper:Ugh What Is That Noise

Time:Sor*Beep*ry Pls*Beep*Tu*Beep*rn*Beep*Off My*Beep*Alarm*Beep

I Turned Off The Alarm And The noise gone

I Looked At Time Its 10:39
I went down And I tripped On The Stairs

Dipper:Ouch Agh Ahhh*Said While I'm Falling On The Stairs*

Dipper:Ahhhh Ouch........ I Think I Broke My Shoulder. I Know I'm Gonna Go Back At Time And Stop That Never Happened*Said While Starting Standing*

Time:Dipper No


Time:If You Do Something Wrong At Your Past Life Like You Go Back At Your Past And Like Stop Him Not To Do That Or Worst Happen

Dipper:Like What?

Time:Like You Tripped Lately And Stop Him I Mean You Its Its So Hard To Explained*Shows A Small Video*

Boy:Ouch I think I Broke My Ankle because Me And My Sister Are Playing And I Tripped On The Rock.....I Know I'm Gonna Time Travel

The Boy Set The Time In -9 Seconds And Push The Start

Boy :Finnaly I'm Here.I'm Gonna Move This Rock And Wait What's Gonna Happened*Said While hidding On A Bush*

Boy Real Time:Catch Me If You Can Hahahahaha

Boy Time Traveler:Finnaly He I Mean Me Didn't Tripped

BoyTime Traveler:Wha What Happening His Still Running Oahhhh!!!!!! watch Out Kid A Car!!!!!!

And The Car Bumped The Past Kid Boy

Time Watch:Error Error Error!!!

BoyTT:What's Happening To You Stupid Watch

Time Watch:Error Error Error Sorry Kid You Killed The Past Life Now The Future Of You Never Exist

BoyTT:Wait Is That Means That I Will Never Exist

And The Boy Pop Like A Bubble *POP*
~End Of The Video~

Dipper:You Mean If I Killed My Past Life That Means *Gulph*The Future Me Never Ever Forever Ever Existed

Time:Never Ever Never Ever Eeeeever Existed And No One Remember You


I Go To The Bathroom And I Shower

Dipper:*Sigh*I Wish This Time Is Not My Bad luck

I Put A Shampoo And The Shampoo went To My Two Eyes

Dipper:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Yelled*My Eyes Its Burns!!!!!.Time!!! Time!!!! Help Me Time!!!!!

Time:What Can I Help You

Dipper:Just Tell Me How To Get Out On The Bathroom Because I Can't See Help

Time:Sorry Dip I Have No Eyes

Dipper:Fine I Will Do It My Self

I Tried To Get Out I Touch Something Thats Round I Think Its The DoorKnob I Twist The DoorKnob

Dipper:Wait.Why Its Getting Hot.Nooooo Ahhhhh Its Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot

I Think That's Not A Door Knob That's The Hot Shower Switch My I Think Body Is Melting I Twist It A Gain And Its Turn Cold Water And Now My Eyes is Ok

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