Losing him was hell

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The next morning I awoke to no Derek and starkest panicking !! I rang Derek and got no answer I started to panic I rang Scott and he hadn't seen him since yesterday I drove around town for awhile trying to find Derek I rang everyone no on had seen he so I started driving to his and then on the road I saw skid marks and though that was awfully odd so. Drove until the skid marks ran of the road and I saw a heap of scrunched up something . I ran over to the rubble and oh my lord I can't look it was it wa ................

My boyfriend was in amongst the rubble he didn't appear to be breathing I tried to make him re-breath but got nothing I fell down besides him and cried I scream and shout nooooooooooooo why my boyfriend wwwwwwhhhhhhhyyyyy
I called Scott and him and Lydia got there as quick as possible and Scott couldn't bear it Lydia picked the mess of me and what ever was left and led me up and put me in the jeep why would someone do this was all in could think of like seriously why take the love of my life and not me,???

Loving Derek haleWhere stories live. Discover now