Chapter 3 The Town Meeting

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Tortimer walks up to Tom and talks to him. "Ah yes Tom Nook how are your sons doing working at your shop".

Tom fearfully OH HORROR OH HORROR MY SONS... Have been KIDDNAPED!!!!!!

A Shocked pelly screams "KIDDNAPED!!!!!"

Phyllis shrugs "Oh well that's the way life goes".

Pelly crying Oh Tom that's terrible!!

Phyllis surprised WAIT. WHAT .

Pelly still crying "Oh sis Tom's sons have been kiddnaped whatever shall we do". She runs to hug her sister.

An irritated Phyllis pushes her away saying "God Grow up sister I'm sure they'll be fine!!!!"

Tom and Tortimer leave the town hall.

Outside of the Town Hall
Tortimer is surprised.
Tom what do you mean by that.

No-one in Escorial would dare to take Timothy and Thomas. They're too adorable and cute Besides you after in the store every day and even if someone did try kidnapping they would get an instant eviction from Escorial and never be allowed to return here ever again.
I'll call a Town Meeting

Pelly through the Town Hall speakers.

Town Meeting Everyone to the Town Hall This Is Not A Drill
The bell rings 4 times

Bones is wondering around Town when he hears the Announcement.
Whoa A Meeting. His eyes grow bigger in realization.

Summer also wondering around Town. Oh a meeting well I'd better head off then. She says in Realization.

Chevre Bug Hunting Oh my! her bug flies off. A meeting La Baa she goes to catch the bug but sees only a tree then she heads off.

Lucy fishing Oh my a meeting. I wonder what this is about?
Rachel oh What's this about.

At Town Hall Tortimer speaks to everyone as everyone listens

Tortimer speaks he has a worried look on his face

Terrible News Everyone Tom's Sons have been Kiddnapped.

All the villages are in a state of shock

Chevre Distressed OH MY! This is terrible La Baa.

Bones in shock NO WAY!! REALLY OH THAT'S A... A TRAGEDY . His head drops in sadness.

Lucy with one hand on her heart OH BY WHOM WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?

Rachel speaks Whoa Whoa Whoa calm down everyone. she gestures everyone to calm down then she walks up to the front of the crowd I think Nook's worried about Timmy and Tommy? But then I must say this she shrugs in resignation Oh Tom Don't be so silly. Their cuteness should make the thief return them straight away. she dances in glee Right everyone

All the villages agree

Lucy nods her head in Approval Yep I totally agree with you Rachel

Chevre Does the same. Yep me too

Summer agrees with Rachel yep me three

Bones yeah I also 100% Agree

Tom in Disbelief. I say how very rude of you all.He gets enraged.ARE YOU ALL CALLING ME A LIAR. YOU HAVE GOT SOME NERVE!!!!

Rachel in shock runs back to her spot shaking in fear. Whoa I'll never get on his bad side again EVER she holds one hand on her heart. Breathing heavily.

Tortimer gestures to Tom to calm down.

OK Tom calm yourself. So who do you think. He puts one hand in his beard and strokes it in thought. Kidnapped them. He places one hand on his head in curiosity.

Tom thinks hard with one hand under his nose
Hm? A flashback appears of Tom in his shop at the last minute

Summer in the flashback. Bye Tom and thanks she winks and waves as she leaves the shop

Tom in the flashback Ah more bells this'll help my sons out in the near future
Timmy and Tommy scream
Timmy shouts Help us Dad
Tommy screams Daddy save us.
The flashback ends back to reality in Escorial
Summer walks up to Tom. Wait I was shopping at the store earlier wasn't I?
Tom thinks aloud Yes you were . A Lightbulb appears above his head. Then IT WAS YOU!
He points directly at Summer.

Summer in shock WHAT! Then she shakes in fear
Tom shouts. You kiddnaped my Sons admit it he gives a look of irritation then pure aggravation.
He shouts at the top of his voice.
Summer breaths heavily with both hands on her heart really scared of Tom then she admits.
Noooo! I didn't do it!
If it was me who kidnapped them, I'd have given them back straight away after you shouted at me.
She gets stressed out and her voice breaks down into tears.
I don't want to leave this wonderful Town.
Tom calms down and he's curious.
Summer wipes her tears away and tells everyone else what happened
Let me explain to everyone what happened. She smiles

Another Flashback appears with Summer narrating

Summer narrates. I was shopping at Nookingtons and I brought a slingshot
We see Summer winking and waving
Summer in flashback smiles Bye Tom and thanks she winks and waves
Summer narrating. And when I left I got hit by a massive blur with Timmy and Tommy screaming we see summer sent flying because the blur hit her but I can't remember what happened after that we see the flashback turn to static as it breaks down into reality
Summer says. That's what happened she goes to return to her spot.
Tortimer smiles. So then the blur is the thief . Question is who or what is the blur he thinks stroking his head.
Tom thinks. Hm? He gives a look of irritation. I've got a feeling that I was Redd who kidnapped them.
Summer immediately goes back in realization
Wait the blur was orange. I remember that but nothing else more than what I just said. She thinks curling her hair. Except about 3 minutes later. I got up and Pelly said something about the Town Meeting and Rachel was sitting next to me. She gives a look of confusion, and then she walks back to her spot.
Tom has a Lightbulb appear above his head.
Redd's skin is orange so it must be him he gives a look of Aggravation.

Tortimer curious Crazy Redd?
A Lightbulb appears above his head.
Of course he's always stealing people's bells he schemes.
I bet he's got Timmy and Tommy painting counterfeit paintings right now.

Rachel comes back to share something with everyone.
Wait I wanna say something she walks up to Summer. Now Summer you can't remember squat about the blur right
Summer nods. Yes
Rachel tells everyone. Guys this is my part of the story she smiles.
Another flashback appears with Rachel narrating
Rachel narrates Because about 20 seconds after the blur hit you it hit me we hear Summer shouting and Rachel minding her own business walking around then she's sent spinning around after the blur goes past her.
Rachel narrating I didn't think much of it I just thought someone was in a hurry.
We see Rachel in the flashback dazed and confused and then she shakes her head to snap out of her dizziness. Rachel in the flashback speaks. Well someone's in a hurry she looks back and walks to Nookingtons.

Rachel narrating.
I was going to do some shopping at Nookingtons then I saw Summer lying on the grassland outside of Nookingtons and Able Sisters I was worried so I went to check on her.
We see Rachel checking on Summer who's on the grass lying down.

I think she was stunned then two minutes later she got up and saw me.

We see Rachel standing and Summer slowly come to
The flashback ends
Summer in discontentment. Yes I already told them that I got up and saw you.
Chevre speaks.
Well I was wondering around and then I saw a blur enter Redd's Tent

Bones speaks. Yep me two

Tom in realization. That proves it It was Redd if Chevre and Bones saw a blur enter Redd's Tent and Summer said that the blur was orange then all the evidence points to Redd.
Tortimer smiles. Yep definitely.

A/N What will happen next. Will Redd be behind this or is Tom Nook feeling wrong find out next time in the Nookling Kidnap

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