Chapter 5 Redd's World

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Tom shakes his head.

No way I love money but my sons mean much more to me than my Shop or Bells.

Tom Nook looks at Redd. Redd looks at Tom Nook.

Well Nook after careful thinking are you going to except my deal.

Tom reluctantly accepts Redd's deal.

Fine. I accept you're ridiculous terms. here take my key to Nookingtons.

Tom looks down in sadness as he hands the key to Redd.

Yes after 15 years. Nookingtons is mine. All mine. ALL MINE!

He points at himself.

Tom is too down to hear him shouting.

Redd clears his throat.

Wonderful! Now show me to my brand new establishment, and give me the chicken scratch here. Remember no backsies or you'll never see your sons again.

Redd holds up the contract for changing management and the rights to Nookingtons.

Tom sighs as she signs Redd's contract. Handing over the management and the right of the store to him.

Redd smiles and rolls up the contract and puts it into his pocket.

Tom hands Redd the key. Then Tom takes him to nookingtons.

Redd Thanks for the key! He opens the electronic doors, to his surprise. Oh Electronic doors.

Inside Nookingtons.

Redd looks amazed. Whoa it's huge!  Y'all did a great job too bad it's now mine. He laughs

Tom Nook looks down on the ground.

Well it's been mostly the residents contributing to it. He sighs.

Redd thinks hard on a new name .

 Now then where ta start. He looks around. Maybe I'll rename it. Oh how's about Redd's World or Reddingtons.

Tom nook looks at Redd in disgust he mutters under his breath.

"Those are the most unappealing names for a superstore I have ever heard."

Tom asks. Now can I have my son's back! I've kept my part of the deal. Now how about your part of the deal.

Redd smiles. Yep I'm a man of my words. Redd ushers Timothy and Thomas to their dad.

Tom smiles. Good. He walks up to his sons.

Redd snatches Timothy and Thomas back. NOT! He laugh Maniacally 

Tom steps back in disbelief.

 WHAT! We had a deal Redd!

Thomas looks at Redd irritated. 

What daddy said!

Timothy also looks at Redd irritated. 

Yes a deals a deal even with a dirty dealer.

Redd let's them in on a not so secret anymore secret.

Well now you know! Never trust Crazy Redd or anyone over 35!! Now time to take over Nookingtons Newly Known as Redd's Shady Superstore I've Ya'll pardon the pun HA HA HE HA . SO LONG NOOK!

Redd kicks Tom Nook out of the door. He then ties up Timothy and Thomas up to the checkout counter.
Thomas looks at Redd irritated.
You're a real meanie
Timothy nods his head.
Yep you said it little brother. You're a real sleazeball breaking that deal! Redd. Redd shrugs.
Who Cares! Now Nooks shop is mine, all mine! Ha ha ha!
Outside Nookingtons Tom punch's the glass door hard in complete rage. Redd. YOU CRIMINALLY INSANE BLACK MARKET SHOPKEEPER  OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!

Redd from inside shouts at the top of his voice.

Tom shouts in an insulting rage fit.

Back inside Nookingtons Redd looks around the store some more while Timmy and Tommy try to escape from the clutch's of Crazy Redd.

Tommy says worried How's you supposed we get out of here and help daddy.

Timmy says I don't know bro? I just don't know.

Redd shouts in realization.  Oh! We have an upstairs do we! He goes upstairs and snoops.

Tommy speaks to Timmy.  Timmy speaks. While that meanie Redd's gone let's figure out a way out of here. I don't like being tied up it really hurts. He cries.

Timmy says Wait... He thinks and his mind goes blank. DOH I'VE GOT NOTHING! He says shyly. Wait I got it Harriet.

Timmy and Tommy shout together.  HARRIET

Redd hears them from upstairs. He shouts down from upstairs. Hey! What's all the hubbub down there and who is this Harriet person you keep screaming about SHUT UP!

Tommy whispers. We can't tell Redd who she is she'll be tied up too Ah it still hurts.

Timmy Hum... He thinks.

A vision appears in a bubble of Redd finding out who Harriet is she gets tied up with Timothy and Thomas after Redd gets a new haircut. The vision ends Back to reality.

Timmy looks discontent. Yes there's no doubt about that so true he nods his head. But still we've gotta save dad's Business.

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