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JOLTED AWAKE BY A SHARP SMACK TO HER BACK, Y/N's world lurched into chaos. Her heart pounded as adrenaline surged, her instincts acting faster than her thoughts. She gripped the offending hand on reflex, twisting it hard. A loud thud followed as its owner hit the ground. The dull murmurs of the library were immediately replaced by gasps and whispers. Heads turned, the fluorescent lights above casting cold, sharp shadows on Kwon's shocked expression as he sprawled on the floor, cradling his arm.

"What the hell, y/n?" he groaned, wincing.

She blinked, her vision adjusting as reality came rushing back. The smell of aged books and musty upholstery swirled around her, grounding her in the present. "Oh my god—Kwon?! What the hell are you doing?" she hissed, crouching beside him but making no move to help him up.

"Waking you up!" he snapped, sitting up and rubbing his wrist. "But thanks for nearly dislocating my shoulder, Captain America."

"You don't smack someone awake, dumbass!" she whispered sharply, cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she realized the entire library was still watching.

"Maybe don't pass out drooling on the table next time," he retorted, his smirk widening as she hurriedly wiped at her chin. 

Her eyes narrowed, "I wasn't drooling, you idiot. And maybe I wouldn't have passed out if someone had the decency to show up on time for once."

"Sure. You definitely weren't snoring either," he quipped, brushing invisible dust off his jacket, earning a deathly glare from the girl.

"Sorry," he said, not looking sorry at all as he got to his feet. "Didn't realize you'd be so cranky after your beauty sleep."

"I'm not—"

"Miss l/n! Mr. Kwon!" The sharp voice of the librarian sliced through their bickering. Her stern face loomed over the desk, eyes narrowing like a hawk that had spotted its prey. "This is a library, not a wrestling ring! OUT. NOW."

Kwon shot y/n a look of mock innocence. "Told you not to make a scene," he whispered, grabbing his bag as he sauntered toward the exit.

"Oh, I'm the one who made a scene?" she hissed, storming after him, grabbing her bag and kicking at his shoes from behind. "This is all your fault," she muttered under her breath.

"You're welcome for saving you from embarrassing yourself further," Kwon replied nonchalantly, following her out. "Pretty sure they were this close to filming you for one of those sleep meme compilations."

𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, kwon jae-sungWhere stories live. Discover now