Chapter 2 - France

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A few nights later they arrived in Paris, France. Galahad grabbed his bags and headed towards Nikola's cabin and knocked on the door " Nikola! It's time to leave " said Galahad. " Just a moment! " replied Nikola. A moment later Nikola opened the door. " Let's go " said Galahad. They walked down the steps to the exit and out into an alleyway. " Lakshmi, where are we going to be staying for now? " Galahad asked Lakshmi on the communicator. " Head towards the Notre Dame. I'll meet you both there " Lakshmi replied. The two then went to the Notre Dame cathedral. " Follow me " said a rebel guard. They did as told and followed the man down to a secret underground hideout. " Welcome this is our hideout. Nice right? " asked Lakshmi. They both looked around and it was very nice luxurious. Lakshmi point at the door that lead to Nikola's new lab and Galahad's room. They went separate ways to their rooms. Galahad opened the door to find a suite sized room and multiple doors. It was big enough to be the hideout itself. He set his things down and one thing caught his eye. A large, black chest. He walked over to it and opened it to find his own small armory. " Interesting " said Galahad as looked into it. Then suddenly there was a loud boom sound. Galahad grabbed an M2 Falchion and exited the room to find everyone running up the stairs. Galahad followed the crowd. " Holy shit... " said Galahad as he walked up the steps. " The Company is here! " yelled a Rebel. Everyone started firing their guns at the Company but Galahad ran off. " Where are you going! " Lakshmi yelled into the communicator. " To the train station! " Galahad replied. He ran fast to the train station and hopped on a very long and wide train. " Hey! You! Your not supposed to be on this train! " yelled a guard. Galahad pulled out his pistol and shot the guard and ran to a certain part of the train. When he reached that part a cannonball struck the train and looked out the window. They were above water. He had to work fast. He ran to the cargo room and grabbed oil tanks and poured it all on the cargo and then lit the cargo on fire with his lighter. Another cannonball struck the train and it knocked the train off the bridge and into the water.

Galahad broke a window and swam up to the surface and onto the shore. He then ran through some alleyways to be stopped by some Company men. " Over there! Shoot the bloody bastard! " yelled a company man. Galahad slid into cover and pulled out the M2 Falchion and starting shooting. There were about 13 Company men shooting at him. A few of his bullets struck and killed 3 of them. He then threw a grenade which blew up 5 of them. One bullet stuck Galahad in the shoulder but he pulled out the blackwater and drank some. After the wound healed he managed to kill the rest very quickly and ran back to the hideout. " Welcome back " said Lakshmi. " I just need to rest " replied Galahad. The night was rising upon them anyways. Galahad thought that could be good or bad. He then went back to his room and laid in bed. " I'll just have to wait and see " said Galahad

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