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Author's Note-

Sorry for the long wait. I kind of thought I'd published this chapter but I guess not. But here's the first chapter of Not Good Enough.

I am starting to feel sick to the stomach from being so close to the town I grew up in. But I needed to meet someone here. Someone who has some very important information for me.

I sit down at the bar, showing the bar woman my fake ID. I keep my shades on.
"I'll have a scotch on the rocks, extra twist", I say, holding out a ten dollar bill for the woman. She takes it and goes to work.

"Hey there, beautiful", a guy says, sitting down next to me.
"Get lost", I say, not bothering to look at him.
"Ouch. That hurt", the guy says, hand on heart. I turn to him, and see he's watching another guy walk into the bar.
"Well, I'll have to go, honey. I need to follow the white rabbit", he says, pointing at a girl in a playboy outfit, probably coming from some stupid party.

He walks off.

"I'll have a beer. Any kind", a guy says next to me, sitting down on the stool. The guy that the idiot was watching walk through the door. He's sporting jeans and a crisp white shirt. His dirty blonde hair is short and I'm not sure if it's his real colour.
"I'm Austin. Austin Powers", the guy says, and we act like that was a great joke.

"Trinity", I say, using the name he told me to use. There's too many ears and eyes around here. Trey has too many people working for him, and the whole thing is, I don't know who.

We get our orders and I take a long swig of mine.
"So how's life?", he asks me.
I pause, my hand holding onto my glass.
"What life?", I ask, before taking another long swig of my drink.
"What's gotten you in a twist? Is your plan backfiring? A certain little girl hasn't gotten in the way, has she?", he asks me.

"White is in the crazy house, remember?", I tell him, feeling annoyed at his talking of her.
"Yes, but no one can really trust others in this dark time", the man says.
"You couldn't be more right, even if you tried", I tell him, finishing my drink off.
"Wow, you drink fast", he says, admiringly.
"Like you said, we're in dark times", I say.
"Why don't we go for a walk?", I suggest, like we had planned before now. I just really want to get this over with.

He downs the rest of his drink, and we both walk out of the bar. Once we get far enough from the bar, we slip into a dark corner of the street, and he presses me up against the wall, so others will think nothing of us if they see us whilst they're going past.

"So...the information?", I ask him.
"It's all on this piece of paper. In code. There's too many members of his gang and it's not safe", he explains, shoving a piece of paper in the back pocket of my jeans. We can hear a group of people coming this way, talking really loud.

The guy presses his lips against mine, and with one hand on my hip, he squeezes my bum with the other. I clench his top in my hands as our kiss goes further down into the spiral.

I can hear the people cheering us on as they pass, and once they've gone, we break apart.
"Well, did you like your first kiss, Trin?", he asks me, using my cover name. Wow, does he think that's an insult?
"How did it feel to touch asś for the first time?", I retort.
"Oh. Believe me, that wasn't my first time. More like my millionth time. They can't keep their hands off me", he says, cockily.
"Oh sorry. I meant to say: how did it feel to touch a girls aśs for the first time?", I ask, stressing 'girl'.

"Good one. But, I don't see how your hinting at me being gay is an insult", he adds in.
"That wasn't the insult. The insult was the hint at you only being able to tap a guys asś because no girl would ever want a piece of...that", I say, wrinkling my nose at him as I suggest to all of him.

"Ha ha ha. Well, you have my number if you want to get proof that I'm experienced with ladies", he says, winking at me before walking off.

I roll my eyes and turn to walk in the opposite direction. Half way along the streets, heading towards a bed n breakfast, I hear a profound click behind my head.

Damn it.

"Hello beautiful. It's me again", the idiot from the bar says.
"Ugh", I say, annoyed and just wanting to find a place to hole up and do my nightly work of continuing my search for Trey.
"You might have had your guy back there fooled, but I know who you really are", he whispers into my ear.

"This is such a lousy disguise", he says, taking my long, black wig off.
"Well, great for you. You solved your first mystery. Where's the rest of the mystery machine team?", I ask him.

"Will's going to laugh about your stupid attempt tonight, when I tell him", the guy laughs.
I push my aśs against him, feeling utterly disgusted by myself.
"Oh. Maybe I could kill you tomorrow if this is your last wish before you die", he says, moaning.

Oh my god. I'm going to throw up.

I hook my leg around the back of his ankle, and whilst he's lowering his walls, I pull my foot forward and he falls onto his back, the gun now out of his hand and not far from him. I run for the gun and cock it at him.

"Where's Will?", I demand.
"I wouldn't go looking for him, unless you actually want to die. Which you will, and before you even find out where he is", the man says.
"Where is Will?", I demand again, pressing the heel of my shoe on his chest, and pushing down a little.

"I don't know. If you actually thought I would know where he is, then you'll be dead by dawn", he says, snarling.
He's right, but it was worth a shot.

I silence the gun, and shoot.
The man shouts profanities as he holds the leg that I shot at, the blood now seeping through his trousers.
"Bîtch!", he shouts at me.
"You're pathetic", I say.
"Here. You can call yourself an ambulance", I tell him, throwing him a phone with my gloved hand.

"Oh. And you won't last long if you can't keep it in your damn pants!", I say, before walking off.
I walk around the corner and onto the street that the bed n breakfast is on. I'm almost at the bed n breakfast when someone familiar starts walking up to me.

He's angry. And I'm guessing I won't be staying at the bed n breakfast tonight, but getting yelled at. Even when he did far worse to me.

✏️Author's Note✏️
Hi Dudes and Dudettes! Well, this is the first chapter of Not Good Enough. I'm not sure if you know who's PoV this is, but it will be clear in the next chapter. I hope you liked it. There's so much to come! :D

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