In which...
James McAllister is a rising star in middle-distance running, a gifted athlete from Canada with a burning desire to prove himself. Awarded a prestigious track scholarship to an elite American boarding school in South Carolina, he's determined to leave his mark on both the track and the school's legacy. But the last thing he expects upon arrival is to meet Blake Donovan-an equally talented, cocky, and irresistibly charming runner from a rival school just down the road.
At first, their relationship is pure competition. From the moment they meet, it's clear they're both driven by the same goal: the coveted title of best runner. What begins as animosity between them soon grows more complicated-and more dangerous.
But then again, isn't that what makes it all the more exciting?
Gijs Blom as...
James McAllister
Drew Starkey as...
Blake Donovan
playιng: [Pretty Boy] - [The Neighbourhood]
playιng: [I Love you, I'm Sorry] - [Gracie Abrams]
playιng: [Ouragan] - [Mattyeux]
playιng: [Love Song] - [Lana Del Rey]
playιng: [My Heart] - [Paramore]
playιng: [Running] - [UMI]
playιng: [Kiss Me] - [Sixpence None The Richer]
VOLUME : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉
Chasing The Finish Line (boyxboy)
RomanceJames McAllister is a rising star in middle-distance running, a gifted athlete from Canada with a burning desire to prove himself. Awarded a prestigious track scholarship to an elite American boarding school in South Carolina, he's determined to lea...