|19|Ms. Tig

661 31 6

WC: 1451

AN: I've never been to therapy or anything so srry if this isn't accurate pls don't come out me but lmk how to possibly make it more accurate.




Went the clock on the wall as Enna sat across from the guidance counselor Ms.Tig.

"So." Ms.Tig said .

"So?" Enna questioned.

"We've been doing these sessions every day now for a week and you have yet to really talk about anything." Ms. Tig said. Enna hesitated before speaking.

"I just don't understand this. Why am I supposed to trust a stranger with my deepest, darkest secrets just because you promised not to tell anyone." Enna explained.

"I understand this was not a normal practice when you were born but I am not allowed to disclose anything that we discuss in these sessions." Ms Tig explained.

"I understand that but what exactly is keeping you from doing so? If you were to disclose any of this information it's not like you would suffer any real consequence." Enna said.

" I swore to keep anything I discuss in my sessions confidential. We don't have to start off with the deep stuff though. We can start of light if you'd like." Ms. Tig offered. Enna sighed.

"I suppose." Enna agreed.

"Great. How have you been liking school and the modern world?" Ms. Tig asked.

"Honestly...I hate the classes, I don't understand them, I like the other parts though." Enna responded. Ms. Tig chuckled.

"Most students don't like the classes. I imagine it's hard to follow along with the rest of the class." Said Ms. Tig.

"Very, but Hope helps me." Enna said.

"And you and Hope get along well?" Ms. Tig inquired.

"Yes. I think of her as my sister." Enna said, then she thought for a moment. "Not my actual sister Inadu though, she was terrible." Enna corrected herself "Well, you know who she was." Enna realized.

"I've heard stories yes but those aren't always reliable. What was your relationship with her like?" Ms. Tig asked.

"I don't want to talk about her. It obviously wasn't good considering I killed her and she cursed me." Enna said. She felt frustrated. She didn't like that the school forced her to converse with a stranger and expected her to tell Ms. Tig things. She didn't trust her, the only people she trusted were either in New Orleans or Hope.

"Okay, I understand, we can talk about something else." Ms. Tig said. "How about Hayley and the Mikaelsons?" Ms. Tig offered.

"What about them?" Enna asked.

"Well I understand they have taken you in. What's your relationship with them like? Have you spoken with them since you've started here?" She asked.

"My relationships with them are all different but I have spoken with all of them a couple times since I've arrived." Enna said.

"Why don't you tell me about your relationships with them. What do you speak about?" Ms. Tig asked.

"Hayley and Elijah call me the most. They ask about how I'm doing a lot, how I'm liking school, if I want to go home." Enna said.

"And do you? Want to go home?" Ms. Tig asked.

"Sometimes. I still want to try going here though. I want to try to be normal." Enna said.

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