Chapter 8

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Stacy's POV

One more day till I go home I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Jordan, Morgan and Alyssa. Today was the last magcon day for this tour, So it was a big day. The show started at eleven and right now it was nine and Taylor was still sleeping, so I woke him up and decided to get in the shower. When I got out Taylor got in and I started to do my hair.  I straightened it and pick out one of Taylor's bandanas to wear. Once Taylor got out of the shower I had him help me with my bandana. After that we walked down to the boys room and they already waiting for us. We then got in the limo/ once we got to the place we went in the back entrance and got ready for VIP fans to come in. After that the boys went on stage and I waited back stage till they were done. After the show we all went back to our hotel rooms and started packing to leave. I didn't have much so I helped Taylor pack.  Once We finished packing I went to see if the others needed help.

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