Chapter 31

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Stacy's Pov
I heard the doctor talking and I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jordan and a guy I have never seen before. The other guy had watered eyes as if he was crying. I looked over at Jordan and called his name. He looked at me and smiled so big. The other guy came over and kissed me on the forehead. "Is this guy my boyfriend" I thought. I asked Jordan where are my parents. He gave me a sad look and told me they are no longer with us. That's when it hit me and I remembered that night.
It was a normal Friday night. I was at Jordan's house with his and my family. When his dad got a text saying the pack was under attack. His dad was the Alpha. My mom and dad went to help because they both have good aims with guns. Before they left my dad and Jordan's pulled him aside and started talking to him. I never knew what they said. Once they were done talking my mom and dad said I love you. Little did I know it would be the last time they said that to me. I said I love you too and with that they left. The next day I woke up to a knock on the door. Jordan answered it and it was a guy. The guy asked if we could come identify some bodies. I started to cry. Once we got to the place I saw my mom and dad's bodies lifeless.

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