Chapter 1

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*beep beep*

I roll over and slam my hand down on my alarm clock. It shuts off. I roll back over intending to sleep-in when a sudden thought hits me.

It's the first day of school! I think.

I jump out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I turn the knob.... It's locked.

"Ugh! Chris get out of the bathroom!"

Chris, my only older brother, stumbles out of the bathroom.

"Where's my stinkin gel! I need my hair to actually look nice for once!"

He riots in the other direction.

Taking no chances, I skid into the bathroom and lock the door.

"Crap!" I yell.

I slap my forehead realizing that I forgot my clothes on my dresser.

I quickly rush out of the bathroom into my bedroom down the hall, grab my clothes, rush back down the hall, and back into the bathroom. Making sure I locked the door again I took of my pj's and put on my school clothes. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt. That's all mom could afford...

I leave my blonde hair down and do my makeup. Then I put on my sneakers and walk to the dining room where my mom made us breakfast.


"Great! Now I'm going to get all sticky!"

I glare at my brother who has just entered the room and who has also made the comment.

"Just be grateful she even got up to make us breakfast." I tell my brother as I sit down to eat.

My brother just rolled his eyes and sat down across from me.

In ten minutes, we were both completely finished and out the door to the bus stop.

"Wait!" I hear my mom say as my brother and I were halfway across the lawn. "You two forgot your lunch!"

We jogged over to her and grabbed our lunches.

"Not even a goodbye?" She scowled.

I huffed. "Mom we got to go or else we will be late!" I said.

My mom scowled again," Well th1en make sure you say bye next time."

My brother rolled his eyes. "Ok got it, bye!" And then he took off to the bus stop.

"Yeah um bye." I told my mom before racing up to my brother. "Hey wait for me!"

My brother looked back at me. "What I'm to fast for you?" As he said this he tripped over the street and crashed to the ground.

I jumped over him and continued to run down the street and to the end to where the bus was supposed to pick us up at. I reached it just as I saw the bus.

I turned around and yelled at my brother, "You better hurry up!'

The bus came and stopped. The door swinged open as my brother casually walked to me acting like he never fell to his wits.

I grinned but he ignored it as he walked past me and up the bus steps. Butterflys took over my stomach. I walked up the steps and relized that we were one of the last people to get picked up.

No!!! I thought in my mind.

I walked down the aile with everyone watching me and out of some misplaced miracle I spotted one last empty seat on the right.

Omg yes!!!!

I sat down in it. I see my brother sitting a couple seats away from me with one of his friends. I roll my eyes and look out the window as the bus started up the road.

So far so good Emmi. That was my name. Well... My nickname.

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