Chapter 4

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*The end of the school day*

The bell to my last class rings. Thank god! I get up and walk out of the class to my locker. I open it and put away my math books. Closing my locker, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head out to the front doors. So today was an okay day... Vanessa is only in three of my classes. Opening the front door of the school I walk down the steps. And Heath is in only two of my classes... Plus lunch. I thought back to when I was entering the lunch line seeing him standing in line ahead of me. No Emmi don't start this. You know every time you like a guy they never like you back. I walked over to my bus and got on. But I really like him though. I sat down in a seat and rested my head against the window. You say that about every guy. I sighed. Suddenly something caught the corner of my eye. I sat up and looked at it. I see a boy that looks very familiar. IT IS HIM! HEATH! I see him climb the bus stairs. What?!? He rides this bus?!? OK OK be calm. I try to find a position that would not look weird. So I pretty much just sat there kinda slouched looking out the window. Did he walk past me yet? I turned my head to look and I ended up making awkward eye contact with him as he walks down the aile. Crap to soon! I blush and look back out the window as he walks past me and to the back of the bus. Shoot shoot shoot shoot now I did it! After about another five minutes the whole bus was full of people and the doors to it closed. Nobody sat by me. I guess I am a loser... The bus pulled out and headed for the high school to pick up my brother and some other kids

*My stop*

Chris and I got up as the doors to are stop opened. Feeling very self conscious about people watching me and not knowing if Heath was I carefully picked my way through the aile and out of the bus. He has to be watching. I thought to myself. Just don't trip.

"Woohoo! Yes its the end of the school day!" Chris yelled like a lunatic.

I looked at him like he was crazy. The bus pulled away and I looked at the ground as I slowly walked to my house.

"You don't have to show off Chris." I told him. Chris settled down and walked up next to me.

"Well then I guess you didn't have a good day at school then yes?" He laughed.

I ignored him and walked faster to the house. Once I got there I went inside and into my room. I flung my myself and my backpack on the bed. I lay there staring at the ceiling. So I have no friends, one enemy, and one crush. I felt a tear in my eye. I am sick of myself.

Hey ik its only the first day of school into he book so what she means by she has no friends is that she has never had any friends and even during the whole summer and know she feels even worse now that she has made an enemy. Ok yeah sorry. Vote please! Thanx!

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