Chapter 20

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We walked, side by side, down the road alone. It seemed like no one used this road anymore because Heath and I haven't seen a single car in hours. We were surrounded by woodland. Leafed branchen hung down low enough to touch are heads. I batted at them. Aye get out of my hair! I groaned. Heath looked at me smirked.

"Having fun with nature are we now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh you know me too well."

He laughed. "Of course. Your my little Emmi." He smiled and grabbed my hand and we continued to walk down the road like this. I blushed. I am so grateful I have you. I thought back to the small memories I had of him. I thought about the one where he told me he slipped on a banana peel and hit his tooth. I could imagine the look on his face when he was in the middle of tripping on the banana peel. Classic! I giggled out loud on accident. Heath turned to me with an eyebrow raised.

"What's so funny?"

I grinned widely. "Nothing just thinking of old memories."

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like the time you told me about the banana peel incident." I replied giggling again.

As usual he rolled his eyes playfully and then broke out into a chorus of 'Cool Kids' but instead said it in his own version...

"I wish that I could be like the cool kids! Cause all the cool kids don't slip on banana peels!"

I bursted out laughing and nudged his arm.

"Stop it your killing me!" I joked. He grinned a toothy one.

I looked into his deep brown eyes. You really are...

The sun was setting making a chilly breeze flow through the eierre forest. Heath pulled me closer to his side as we saw city lights appear. Here we are. The first city of Oklahoma.

We reached the first building. It was dark and had no lights in side. We walked around it getting on the sidewalk. As we gained farther down the sidewalk more people crowded it. They looked a bit... Weird. They seemed like mob dealers or gangsters. Heath stopped us and whispered in my ear,

"We have to find a place to stay we shouldn't be out here this late on the streets... Especially since this is the downtown area."

I looked around. Large buildings gathered around us and lined up besides each other. Sure enough this was the downtown area. I nodded my head to him. I clutched his hand tighter and he lead me quicker down the streets. The sun was almost completely gone and more uh strange people came out casting us either odd smiles or evil glares. The sidewalk began to clear and less decent people appeared. Heath stopped and looked around for a second and then took off again towards a blue building.

"Where are we going?" I nervously asked him. We crossed the crosswalk and stopped in front of the blue building.

"To a hotel. Hopefully its cheap enough to where we won't lose ALL are money." Before i ciuld say antything he dragged me inside and we stopped in front of the main counter. A bald man with a cigerate in his mouth sat behind it. He wore a crappy T-shirt for as far as I could see. It had a giant orange stain on it. He took the cigerate out of his mouth and blew the smoke out closing his eyes. Then he opened them and set the cigerate down in an ashtray that was places on the couter. Then he sat up and placed his hands on the counter leaning in towarda us giving us an odd glare.

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