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i always feel misplaced

like i've been erased

they are all two faced 

all this time that i waste

where does all that time go

is it some type of reallity show

whatever it is i want to go

dont want to let it go

if time was reusable 

i would have been able 

to put it on the table

with a little labbel

saying that its mine

that i need all that time

and no it is not fine

not fair that i have lost that time

i need it back

i need to go back

go get my backpack

it didnt cause an impact

maybe i was just mad

needed a room to not feel sad

although it really was bad 

i should notice the changes that they've had

the new house

those two summers and christmas i just bounced

well it was bad to sleep on the couch

and my mom didnt really care about that creepy anounce

but if i have a room 

ill even have my own bathroom

not like i have to go back in the womb

i think its a chance to let it bloom

let the knowledge i've gained

even if i was drained 

i found a way to explain

that the way i felt was pain

let me bloom like a spring flower

who is happy about next summer

where i will shine like i've never

and maybe experienced beeing a teenager

i will take the chance however

to maybe 

be happy

live all free

lets even have a party.

poèmes pour écrire mes pensées  ____poems to write my toughtsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant