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A Few Months Later

I really did lose my job. I tried everything, but it was all in vain. Apparently, a very powerful man with a lot of influence was involved. A month later, I finally found a job at Nice Cream. At least that was a relief. I completed my school year with a 17 average, as always, making everyone proud of me. We had our project defense a week ago and presented an innovative project. The jury members were amazed, and I believe our project has a good chance of making it to the finals. If that happens, it would be a great opportunity for me to win some money and support my family.

Abdoul Karim Diallo

I had just completed a large order for a very wealthy lady who paid generously for some custom wardrobes. I asked Adja to accompany me, and we arrived at the address she had given us. It was a massive villa in Sotuba, and the house was truly beautiful.

We rang the doorbell, and a young man opened the door.

Him: Hello, how can I help you?

Me: We're here to meet the lady who ordered some wardrobes from me.

Him: Ah, yes, she told me about it. Alright, bring in the wardrobes and get settled. I'll call her.

To make things easier, I had disassembled the wardrobes and would reassemble them inside. The interior of the house was magnificent.

We got settled, and she arrived ten minutes later.

Her: As-salamu alaykum.

Us: Wa alaykumu as-salam.

Her: I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Mr. Diallo.

Me: Oh no, it's not a problem at all. Let me introduce my daughter, Adja. She's here to help me assemble the wardrobes.

Her: Alright, no worries. How are you, my dear?

Adja: I'm good, Alhamdulillah. And you, ma'am?

Her: I'm well too, by the grace of God. Mr. Diallo, you have a beautiful daughter.

Adja: Thank you. You're very beautiful as well.

Her: Thank you, dear. The guard will show you to the rooms. There are three in total. Let me know when you're done.

Me: Okay, will do.

The guard showed us the rooms, and we started assembling the wardrobes. We had one room left when we heard a little girl crying.


Me: Papa, I'll go check why the child is crying.

My Father: Alright, my dear.

I stepped out and followed the sound of the crying. The little girl was in the courtyard, about five years old.

Me: Hey there, sweetie. Oh no, why are you crying?

I picked her up and tried my best to calm her down. She finally stopped crying.

Me: What's your name, little one?

Her: My name is Noor.

Me: You're so adorable, Noor. How old are you?

Her: I'm five.

Me: Wow, you're a big girl! But why were you crying? Pretty princesses don't cry. You're a princess, aren't you?

Her: Yes, Daddy says I'm his princess.

Me: Then no more tears, okay, sweetheart?

Her: Okay, I won't cry anymore.

The lady who had greeted us earlier walked over, surprised.

Adja and cheick Ahmed ❤️Where stories live. Discover now