Zodiac Signs At McDonalds

752 25 5

Aries: Oh come on hurry up already, I have to check my makeup. I have a date!
Taurus: Hey... that was my fry!
Gemini: *makes conversation with the cashier*
Cancer: *see's a fry on the floor* No he's going to die, somebody save him!
Leo: Oh look at that I made a butterfly out of chicken nuggets and fries.
Virgo: *whispers order to cashier* Sorry what was that?
Libra: *flirts with the person behind or in front of them*
Scorpio: How come he gets more fries than me, mom? *in a really whiny voice*
Sagittarius: I'm being completely honest, hon, that hairnet does not look good on you!
Capricorn: *cashier apologizes for the wait* That's alright, I was trying all your sauces while I waited.
Aquarius: *asks everyone in line about their day*
Pisces: *someone yells about free pizza behind the building* I'll beat you all there! *no pizza and loses place in line*

Zodiac ScenariosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora