Zodiac Signs At Thanksgiving Dinner

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Aries: Eats all the food
Taurus: Avoids all the family conversations
Gemini: Makes new recipes
Cancer: Decorates the whole house for Thanksgiving
Leo: Converses with all the family
Virgo: Sits by themselves in a corner somewhere
Libra: Makes most of the meal
Scorpio: Starts up a game of capture the flag
Sagittarius: Makes a thousand messes
Capricorn: Cracks a few jokes
Aquarius: Reads the whole time
Pisces: Keeps everyone in line

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't been on lately! I haven't really had any desire to write lately but I think it be coming back. Sorry this chapter isn't the best one but I thought I'd do one Canadian Thanksgiving themed. Have a great week❤️

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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