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*After school*

Till found himself looking dumb as he was looking around each corner trying to leave the school so that he wouldn't run into Ivan because he just wanted to go home he knew that the next day we would be completely okay again

He made it outside the school building and just ran home he couldn't believe he really have to do all that just for the sake of not running into Ivan he felt so stupid but in a way relieved as he didn't know what he would've told Ivan because of how quick he had ran off

He was finally home his house was empty he figured his mother was still stuck by work he decided to put his things in his room and go back to the kitchen to get something to drink as he was exhausted from all that running around he did trying to leave school

As he was getting water he saw his phone was blowing up

"What's this?" "Oh the group chat" Till had a group chat with his friends Sua, Mizi,Luka, Hyuna, and of course Ivan.

*Group chat💬*

Mizi: Saw what happened there after a few seconds are you guys ok LOL

Sua: They're always doing this it's the norm

Ivan: yess we're okay ^_^!!

Luka: Huh? What are we even talking about

Till just stared at his phone as he didn't really know what to say he was okay now but talking about it made him remember it all too well so he decided to just simply like Mizi's message and go on about his day

Ivan on the other hand was wondering if he did something wrong and if he should have apologized to Till for staying close to him for too long

He loved Till and loved when little things like that happened but if it was ever to make Till feel a certain way towards him then he would apologize within a heartbeat no hesitation

He wasn't sure maybe he was just overthinking it since something like this hasn't happened between them so he decided to just give his brain a break, set his phone down and go to sleep.

Till on the other hand couldn't sleep he was up all night it was already 03:45 and he still couldn't get the thoughts out his mind he wondered why if stuff like this happened sometimes

Why was it affecting him so much this time?

A few more minutes passed by and Till ended up being able to drift off to sleep

*3 hour later*

Till woke up his head was pounding he felt so sick and didn't wanna get out of bed he felt so lazy like he had been sick forever his fever was high he was sweating and his was hurting like crazy

He forgot he has even woken up in the first place and ended up passing out again within a few minutes

AN: This chapter is rather shorter too as I don't want to link it with what I have in mind next Updates may still be slow! But I'm working I promise<3!! Thank you to the people I have interacted with so far I really appreciate you guys so much☹️💗

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