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The next day Ivan woke up pretty early as to try to be at school on time he still was super embarrassed with what had happened the previous day but didn't know if he should have brought it up with anyone

He didn't want to be the reason him and Till had problems later on as he knew the way Till was and the type of person he is

He made his way to class as he wanted to be there pretty early

his first class went by super quick but maybe it's because he was zoned out half of the time

His mind was still wandering on about what had happened with him and Till just the thought of it all was enough to get his face to burn up

He was very anxious about going to his second class because he and Till shared that class and by chance they happened to sit next to each other too

He made it to his second class before other people no sight of Till so he felt a bit more relieved that he wasn't there currently

He calmly took a seat and took a few breaths to calm his nerves

"Hey" Ivan heard from besides him he knew that voice all to well it was Till

"Hi" Ivan responded back even though he had calmed his nerves before hand he already felt his stomach doing that weird feeling and his body heat up

The warmth that the other boy was able to give him was something no one else could make Ivan feel

"Are you okay? Did u catch a cold or something you're all red" Till asked

Ivan happened to be too caught in thought to even realize it but more importantly he was wondering what the hell was up with Till why hadn't he said anything did he hate it or was he just pretending it didn't happen or was he trying to play cool?

Ivan didn't understand but decided not to bring it any further if the other boy hadn't mentioned it or even brought up a hint about it

*Time skip to lunch*

Here they were again the group decided to go their own little ways again today

*Great another day of being stuck with him* Till thought to himself it's not that he hated Ivan or anything more so he hated the feeling he felt when he was around Ivan alone

He still wasn't sure what that feeling was but also was too embarrassed to tell anybody as he normally wasn't somebody who would open up about how they felt

He decided to deal with it and just go alone and calm down a bit after all it's not like Ivan and him have ever done anything insane or so he thought

Ivan was a bit more quiet than usual he wasn't purposefully doing it but really wondering what was up with Till because normally by now Till would have made this a big deal

"Hey you okay? You haven't really said much today"  Till asked Ivan concerned

"OH yes sorry I'm alright just sleepy I need some rest"  Ivan replied

"Hmm well than I guess it can't be helped let's go"  Till grabbed Ivan by the hand and they went to their usual spot to sit

Ivan didn't even care where they were going he was just flowing with joy


Ivan thought to himself but was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when Till let go of his hand and sat down

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