Happy Birthday Eddie

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After being booted from the Genetics Lab, Roxie and Dave drove the six campers past the Carnotaurs paddock.

There, Kenji introduced the others to the Carnotaur that he had nicknamed Demon.

Following that, the campers went on their dinosaur drive that almost ended with Darius and Brooklynn to drown in a sinkhole but was saved by the other campers with the help of the stray Sinoceratops.

Following that however, the next day, the Indominus Rex escaped and the Nublar Six were forced to trek through the jungle to get to safety and help.

"Brooklynn, Sammy," Darius spoke up. "You two found out about this hybrid in Wu's lab. Did you read anything about it?"

"Uh, now might not be the time to be a nerd over a dinosaur that has a taste for human flesh, don't you think?" Kenji said.

"It's not nerding over, Kenji," Darius replied. "The information could be useful to know."

"I, uh, just glossed over it really," Brooklynn admitted sheepishly.

"I saw some info," Sammy said. "There was a list of things, names of different species. Uh, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Deinosuchus, Carnotaurs, Majungasaurus, Cuttlefish, Therizinosaurus and I think some snake. That's all I remember."

"The T-Rex traits were obvious," Darius said thoughtfully to the group. "And it did have its teeth arranged like a crocodilian. The oxyeoderms on its skin along with the horns on its head, clearly Abeliosaurs like the Carnotaurs or Majungasaurus. And the claws clearly came from the Therizinosaurus. Mismatched as they were. But the cuttlefish and tree frog, probably had something to do with its camouflage?" Darius asked in thought. "But I don't know about the snake part?"

Brooklynn thought it over. " Snakes can see and sense infrared and thermal energy."

"Wow, those scientists really went all out, didn't they?" Yaz remarked while the full implications sank in among the others.

The kids have been walking through the jungle for hours. Literally. Darius was leading the way. Everyone had been looking to him to make the call. Probably because of the speech he had made earlier. But he had never lived through something like this! His thoughts were interrupted when Ben suddenly screamed. Everyone either gasped or screamed as well. 

They didn't see anything dangerous.

"Sorry. Sorry. I stepped on a twig." Ben says sheepishly. 

"Don't do that again," Brooklynn stressed.

"You done give me a heart attack," Sammy said, hand on her chest.

"I should step on YOU." Kenji says in anger to Ben.

"You're fine Ben." Darius says, trying to calm the others down. "We're ALL on edge. Let's just try to keep it together until we reach the park."

"Just face it." Yaz said. "We're lost"

Sammy agrees. "Darius, we've been out here for a while now. Are you sure that we are headed in the right direction?"

Kenji speaks up. "My fellow campers! Chill." Everyone looks at him. "What we need now is someone to make the hard call about what to do next. And since I am OBVIOUSLY leadership material. . . " The other campers stare at him until Kenji continues, "I'll do this. And my FIRST decree as leader is for everyone to shut the hell up, and listen to DARIUS!"

This causes Darius to be confused. "Say what now?"

Kenji puts an arm around him and whispers, "You got us out of camp alive. Plus, as you are the oldest among us, I can blame YOU if anyone gets eaten. Leadership." Kenji announces proudly. Darius would never admit it to Kenji's face, but that was a pretty solid leadership plan. "So, which way Darius?" the Asian American teen asked loud enough to be heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2024 ⏰

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