Dark night

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Kenny- 180 (looks 17)
Tony- 15

I no longer write on this account. If you would like to follow me on my new account that would be great. In my other account I an currently writing stories.
deadheartsss <--- new account
Thank you :)


I walked around the woods trying to get out if here. I should have never ran away from home. I look up to see the moon looking back down at me. "Ugh I'm never getting out of here" I said to myself. FML! I kept walking until I saw a cave.

I walked in and saw that that there was a fire in the middle of the cave. Oh shit somebody's here. "Hello?" I said. Oh look now the person knows that I'm here. I heard nothing so I sat down next to the fire. I started feeling my eyelids droop so I got up to look for things to make a bed. I tripped over hay wait hay? What is it doing here? Whatever I'm tired and hungry this is my bed now. And with that thought I went to sleep.

I woke up to someone running their hand through my hair. I sit up pushing the person off of me and onto the floor. "Oomph" I heard the person say I looked over the hay and saw a young boy looking back at me.

He had grey eyes that seemed too look into my soul , white hair that was swept to the side , had peircings on his nose , and looked older than me. "Oi what ate you doing here?" the boy asked me. I stared at him "I could say the same thing for you. What were you doing touching my hair and all that shizz?" He 'tched' while getting up.

"This is actually my cave" he said. "How is this your cave?" I asked. How can someone own a cave? "Look cutie I live in this cave and that's that" he said glaring at me. I crossed my arms "Then where were you last night?" geez I sound like a housewife. He smirked "That ain't none of your buissness princess. Now go home kid." he said waving me away.

"I don't have a home anymore" I mumbled under my breath looking at the ground. He looked at me with sympathy. "Why what happened?" I scoffed "Why do you care?" He shrugged "You just seem like you need a friend." "Yea ok whatever I'm Tony you?" I asked holding out my hand.

He smiled and shook my hand "I'm Kenny so I guess you'll be living with me now?" he asked me. I shrugged "Guess so." "Cool" he said walking over to the entrance. "I'll be out hunting you make yourself comfortable" he said leaving me alone. Ba-dump ba-dump my heart raced.


"So Kenny how old are you?" I asked while washing my hands in the river. "I'm 180 you?" I stared at him. "A-are you serious?" I asked trying not to laugh. His facial expression didn't change. "Yes and I asked you a question" he said. I swear his eyes turned red. "So how are you 180?" I asked not looking at him. "I just am now are you going to answer my question or not?" Damn that wasn't even an answer. "Yea ok whatever I'm 15." I said walking in the direction of the cave.

I felt hands wrap around my waist. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Kenny. I froze , my heart was beating so fast in my chest it felt like it was going to explode. "W-what do you want?" I asked stuttering. "You really want to know why I'm way older than you?" he asked. I could see something in his eyes but it was gone before I tried figuring out what it was.

"Ok but before I show you promise that you won't get scared and run away" he said. I nodded my head and he took a step back. His eyes turned red and his canines grew. He was clenching his fists as of he was holding himself back. I stepped towards him. "Wow so they actaully exist" I said trying to touch his fangs. He immediately backed away.

"Look stay away when I'm like this every night you look delicious enough to eat. I have to hold myself back from sucking that blood from you sexy body so please jus-" I cut him off by kissing him. He tensed before he relaxed and kissed me back.


Damn this boy was gonna make me lose control of myself. I pulled away from him. "We better stop or I won't be able to control myself. He looked at me in the eyes "Then why don't you lose control now?" That's all he said before I messed him up all night.



I woke up with a sore butt and an aching back. I looked at Kenny and smiled. "Hey Kenny," I whispered in his ear. He immediately woke up and looked at me with love. I smiled at him and crawled onto his lap.

"Tony let's go bathe outside," Kenny said moving me off his lap. I pouted and said "But I wanted a round two." He turned around and started at me. "Of you want a round two get that tight ass in the lake now!" he said his eyes turning red. I ran into the lake. Sticking my ass up in his face. Damn I'm not going to be able to walk for months.

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