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Skylar's POV

"Why did I agree to let you go to school in New York City. Its so far away!" My mom says as she paces back and forth nervously.

"Mom, its only a little over three hours away," I say as I think of the distance between New York and my hometown of Manchester Connecticut. It was far enough away so I didnt have to go home every weekend, but was close enough in case I wanted to.

"Are you sure that you'll be okay?" My mom asks for the fifth time and finally stops pacing to stand in front of me.

"Yes Mom, I'll be fine." I assure her as she pulls me in for another hug.

"Alright Clara, I think we can go now. Skylar will be fine." Dad smiles as Mom finally pulls away and wipes her tears.

"Thanks Daddy, but seriously I'll be fine guys. Don't worry about me." I say as I push them out the door and lead them back downstairs to the lobby. I look around at all the people as we walk down the hall, some students crying as they're clinging to their parents begging them not to leave. The dorm I was placed in is a mixture of freshman and sophomores so there's students already hanging out. Then there's the obvious freshman who are introducing themselves to everyone. I even see some roommates are already getting situated in their dorms and associated with each other, I dont even know where my roommate was. Her stuff was already moved in when we started hauling in everything I brought.

"Wheres your roommate?" She asks as if she was reading my mind. I open the door to the stairs, and we make our way downstairs.

"I don't know. She's probably out eating or with friends or something." I shrug as we walk past a couple of boys throwing a ball around on the staircase.

"I hope you get a good roommate." She nervously says as we stop in the lobby. "But honey, make sure you call everyday okay? Don't forget about us."

"Don't be silly, you guys better get going its a long drive back to Manchester. Call me when you guys make it home okay?" I say as I both hug them one last time, telling them I love them and to drive safe. They smile and wave as I watch them walk out of my building. I breathe out of a sigh of relief and make my way back upstairs to my room. My parents have always been super strict with me, so college was going to be a whole new experience. No parents to tell me what or what not to do.

I hear a whistle from the guys on the staircase on the way back up, I make a face of disgust at them as they laugh. I quicken my pace in a haste to get back to my room.

Right as I was reaching for the door, it swung open hitting me in the nose and knocking me off my feet. I groan in pain as sit up and instantly cover my nose.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didnt see you." A boy with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a beautiful smile says with a thick Australian accent as he offers a hand out to help me.

"Its okay, I'm fine." I wince as I touch my nose again. "Does it look bad?"

"Umm... no it l-looks fine." He stutters as he rubs the back of his head.

"You liar." I laugh as the pain finally starts to go away.

"It just looks like it'll be a little bruised for a day or two.....I'm Calum by the way." He says as he offers his hand.

"Skylar." I smile as I shake it.

"S-" Calum starts to say before the door swings open again, thankfully were standing off to the side, as he's interrupted by another boy.

"Come on Calum, Mikayla's waiting for us in the car." Another boy says as he comes up behind Calum. The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were breathtaking, his beautiful blue eyes made me think of the sky, his hair was blonde nicely did up into a quiff, and he was tall, really tall. My eyes then wander to his lips and see a lip ring. He was beautiful. . . that was until he opened his mouth.

"What are you looking at?" He snaps as he sees me as I must have been staring at him longer than necessary. His thick Australian accent when he spoke sent a shiver up my spine. His voice was beautiful, despite the rude things that are said with it.

"N-Nothing." I say, as I finally look away and he grabs Calum by the arm, and starts pulling him down the stairs. Calum pulls his arms from his grasp but follows him, regardless.

"Bye Skylar, it was nice to meet you!" Calum yells up the stairs. I shake my head and wave, even though he cant see me from where he is.

As I open the door and make my way back to my dorm room, I think about Calum and the blue eyed boy. Calum was really nice and seemed like he would be a good friend. I'll have to find him sometimes later and see if he would want to hang out or something.

My thoughts then wander to the blue eyed boy, he was gorgeous, I couldn't deny that. But he was one of the most rudest people I've ever met. He interrupted me and Calum's conversation, and then snapped at me for looking at him. Who does that? I shake my head and forget about it. NYU is a big campus, I probably wont see him again. I think to myself as I reach my room.

I unlock the door, looking into the room and see my roommate still hasnt returned. I shrug to no one in particluar and just grab my laptop to watch Netflix, lay down, and relax after a long day of settling into this little dorm room that will be my home for the next year.

A/N: Hello friends its ally! So this is my first story I've ever posted. Sorry its so short and uneventful. Its just the start though, I just wanted to get a little of it in today. I hope you guys like it! Comment and vote for my story! Ilysm!

HELLO SO I just edited this, bc I wanted to have it in New York cause I know more about colleges in the US than Australia lol but obviously the boys will still be from Australia SORRY IF YOUR CONFUSED

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