The Number One Hero.
Izuku's Pov.
No...Then, a huge sound is heard..or was it my imagination?..
I can't breathe...
"It's all right now, Young Man..."
Huh?...Is that..
A tall man, huge, muscly with beautiful yellow hair that has two strands that stand proud at the front...ALL MIGHT?!!?
Seeing All might, the villain immediately attacked him, and before i knew it, i was being saved..but i passed out.
"Hey! Hey!"
I was woken up by someone constantly slapping my cheek. As i open my eyes, with barely any energy left in me..
"Thank God you're alive. Thought we lost you there!"
"Sorry for getting you caught in my villain fights. I don't usually male mistakes like that! You know me! But I was so excited on my day off in a new place!"
He laughed his signature laugh!!! Ahh it's Allmight!!. I'm sitting infront of Allmight. AllMight is talking to ME!!!!.
"Anyway! The villain has been Captured!"
He said proudly, showing off two..soda? bottles filled with the same green, slimy, villan.
The number One Hero...All Might...He's the real thing....He looks so different in real life!!
Oh yes! An autograph I need an autograph!
I searched around for my book, and when I found in on the ground i quickly opened it to find he already signed it
He already did!!!
I furiously bow!
AllMight gave a thumbs up in my direction.
"Okay!. I have to get this villain to the police. So...See you again on the other side of the screen!"
"Wait! soon.."
I couldnt help the disappointment in my voice...I only just met my hero and he's already leaving?
"Pros are constantly fighting enemies all the time"
He said as he stretched
But wait..I still have a few things i wanna ask..
"WELL! HERE..I...GO!-"
But as he did, i grabbed his leg.
AllMight looked down at me from mid air.
"Hey hey hey now! this is too far! This kind of fanicism is too far!Let go!"
"But... if i ...let go ...I'll die"
"....That's true"
"I have... a lot... of things i ...wanna ask you directly...
"Okay okay! I get it. Now Close your eyes and Mouth!"
At the directions i immediately close my eyes and mouth and bury my face in his leg. And soon enough We landed on top of a building.
God..That was scary..
"Thank God there was a building here! or else the people would've let you down!"
I looked at Allmight. I had to ask him..But was i even worthy? Can a hero..without a quirk? It seems impossible. I been TOLD over and over again that it's impossible. But is it really? IS there no hope for me?
"All..Might! Can I..still be a hero..without a quirk?"
I said, squeezing my eyes shut as i wait for his answer...
"Without a quirk?"
I was about to nod, but suddenly, a huge whooshing sound was heard and there was smoke coming from...Allmight?!! Ahh! Is he burning? What's going on!!!
I tried to see but the smoke was too much. And when it cleared...AllMight was gone!!!There was someone else there. A man with all skin and bones..But he's wearing the same shirt and pants Allmight did!
"AHH WHO ARE YOU!!! YOURE NOT ALLMIGHT! You're an Imposter!"
The skeleton man coughed as he looked at me.
"No, Kid i AM Allmight"
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am. Listen to me! Damn it"
I shut up at that
"This is the reality kid...After a particularly hard villain fight...he punched me in my ribs..and since then...Ive become this...My power is weakened...and I can't stay in my Allmight form for too long..There s alimit to it now"
He lifted his shirt to show a huge scar left behind by said villain
And i then realised all of this was true..
"This is resulting from a fight WITH a quirk.."
I gulped
"So no i don't think you can actually become a Hero without a quirk"
And that's it....Even Hero..My idol...said it. I CANT be a hero...No matter how hard I try..
"So don't harbour dreams that are unfulfillable. Go..and be well. Be alive. Dont try to achieve dreams that are impossible"
All might left...and i stood there, shaking, tears streaming down my face.
I can' anything. Useless. I was born Useless. What's the point in anything? What's my life worth? ...It's not. It's not worth...theres nothing I can do..No way I can live that'll make me feel satisfied...
***Just pray that you're born with a quirk in your next life***
My breath hitches
***And take a swan dive off the roof of the building***
...Kacchan...He wouldnt care..Mom?...She can..i can't..But-
*Do it. It's right there. The edge of the buildings right there..You can do it. Cmon..don't tell me after all that you're still gonna think. You're just a burdwr to her. Another mouth to feed. Your Kacchan doesn't care..No matter how much you admire him, you're only a gross bug to him. Something he can squash but has spared. There's no point in living anymore...Just end it*
My legs walked on thier own..walking towards the edge of the building..
I looked was a tall building...enough to kill me...I probably wouldn't even feel it. Id be dead before i could feel the hurt...It would be painless...
I climb over the fencing..Standing on the very edge...any particularly strong gust of wind..could probably knock me to my death...But i didn't need that...
I'm sorry...Mom...
I looked down at the traffic below...and i felt...numb..Like i was about to be released of all the pain and suffering I've felt for so many years of my life..
I took one step forward and.. .
Katsukis Pov.
"Ugh this is so stupid!!!"
God these fuckers are back...
"But seriously bakugou...i think you went too far today..what if that pleb actually tried it?"
I felt my blood run cold...He wouldn't right? No. The nerd is too much of a coward to try anything like that..
"I mean, aren't you childhood friends?"
i click my tongue, can't help the worry pooling in my stomach..
"We're NOT friends. He was just some stupid idiot who decided to follow me. Like you fuckers are.
But who was paying any attention to these side charecters anyway..Did..Didni go too far? You dont think...
Ugh..this damn deku!
"I'll be right back!"
i dashed towards the school again
"Hey bakugou where are you goi-"
I rushed back to school, but he wasn't there. Our class, the other classes, the roof..he wasn't there...Damn it you fucking nerd..the one time i actually cared about you you go missing...
I rushed, running back to home. I toss my bag in the front porch and head over to his house..It's been so long since I'd actually gone there..
I knock on the door, and auntie Inko opened the door.
She looked..suprised..that's expected. Its probably The first time in years that she's seen me
" de-..Izuku there?"
God that's...foreign..
Auntie expression softened, heck it probably felt nostalgic for her since I used to come here with the same question..everytime..
"No, katsuki honey he still didn't come home from school..."
...Shit. Shit shit shit! where is he?!?
"Oh..Okay thank you Auntie..Can you..let me know? when he comes back?"
She smiled.
"I'll let you know.."
I bow, and leave back to my home...God..where are you..Don't you dare do anything stupid you damn deku!! I'll kill you if you die!!

Can you even see me? A Katsuki x Reader Fanfic
FanfictionWarning: Mentions of Suidice Suicide Self harm Katsuki tells izuku to off himself Blood Death Violence Curse words ...Let me know if there's anything else!! None of the charecters mentioned are mine, all credits go to the creator of BNHA- Horiko...