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A/N I am sorry but I'm going to skip the Acafellas episode because I don't really like it but I will mash Acafellas and Preggers together.

Rachel POV
So I got Quinn's part in don't stop believing yesterday. And Finn and Puck were in like this man group show choir thing and performed and they were pretty good. This morning I walked up to Finn and was going to tell him that I was pregnant I have known for about 2 weeks. I said,"Finn I'm pregnant and I'm sorry for not telling you. It's just I was so scared an I can't tell my dad because he would be so pissed and I'm so sorry for not telling you."
"Mine." He asked
"Of course it's yours who else's would it be." I told him.

Finn's POV
I was so distracted today because Rachel told me she was pregnant. We found a new kicker for the football team. Kurt Hummel he is in glee club with me. We danced for football practice because coach made us. And at the end Puck came up and asked,"Hey dude you okay?" I just nodded and I said,"You're my best friend I know something's wrong tell me."
"Rachel's pregnant and she's keeping the baby." I said. He looked surprised and just said,"It's okay you'll figure something out."

Puck POV
So I was walking in the hallway and saw Rachel walking down the hall and walked up to her and said,"Hey MILF."
She dragged me by the lockers and said,"Don't call me that."
"So is the baby mine?" I asked. She just looked down and I said,"Of course it is because you told me you were a virgin when we did it. And you and Finn didn't do it because he would've told me because he's my boy."
"You make a habit of sleeping with your boy's girlfriends." She asked me.
"We'll call that a kid we got ourselves another immaculate conception." She pulled me over to the side and. I said,"I'd take of it you know you too. I'm not a deadbeat like my dad."
"Weren't you fired?" She asked.
"I still have my pool cleaning business." I told her.
"We live in Ohio for god sakes!" She said. I just looked down. "It sucks you got me drunk on wine coolers and I was feeling fat that day. But it was a mistake. You're a Lima loser and you'll always be one." With that she ran down the hallway.

Rachel POV
I ran to my car got in and stared crying. I couldn't stop crying and there was this lady in my car who gave me prenatal vitamins. It was so weird and it looked like she wanted my baby. I wasn't going to go to the football game tonight and I didn't care if coach Sylvester kicked me off because I was probably going to be kicked off once she found out. The next day at school Finn walked up to me and he had a little blanket that he has as a kid and he. Wanted me to have it for our baby. I just said,"thanks Finn." Puck walked up and said,"Hey guys how are you doing? I've been feeling a little sick lately."
"Must be a virus." I told him.
"Hey are you putting in a little weight?You should watch your carbs they won't be able to hoist you on top of that cheerleading pyramid any longer."He said. And Finn totally went over protective and Puck just apologized and left.

I picked up my siblings and we went home and I made them dinner and put them to bed it's a good thing my dad just left for a business trip slash his vacation without us. He always leaves for about a week or two around this time of the year for a vacation of his own. After I had put them to bed I had some ice cream and watched tv.

I woke up the next morning and threw up everything in my stomach. I called and made an appointment to check on the baby. I took the twins to school and saw Puck dropping off his sister he saw me walked over and said,"I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I just want to be in this baby's life no matter what. I just I like you."
"I know you're sorry I am too. And I will think about maybe letting you help me take care of the baby." I told him. I mean I guess I like him because I slept with him but I love Finn I'm pretty sure. I'm just really really confused right now.

A/N I know that Rachel is acting different than Quinn did in the show but I wanted to change it up a bit and I'm going to be putting two episodes together in one chapter to make it longer.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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