Why did I give Scary Girl the t-shirt canon?! How stupid am I?! I watch Julia fall, feeling guilty of how stupid I was. When I finally get the gun, I blast Scary Girl off the cliff. Okay, no more distractions, ill help Julia as much as I can. When the people on Caleb's team try to blast Julia off the wire, I knew I wasn't gonna stand still.
"Does Julia deserve to get blasted off the wire? Yes. Am I just gonna let it happen? No, buckle up for anarchy!"
Confessional end:
I manage to shoot Nichelle and Damien, but Emma and Priya gang up on me.
"Emma! You are a traitor!" I exclaim.
Priya manages to blast Julia off the wire and she lands in the water, but the dinosaur approaches her.
"Oh crud, not you again." Julia groans.
When she tries to swim away, the dinosaur grabs her hair and starts pulling it..
"Ow hey!" Julia yells.
Julia's hair is almost fully ripped off. She now has a mullet. Everyone gasps in shock.
"My hair, you have me a mullet!" Julia exclaims.
Julia is sitting in the confessional crying, and I have no idea how to comfort people, but I give it my best.
"Hey, I like it! Business upfront, party in the back. Its the best of both worlds!" I reassure.
Julia looks at me and smiles.
"Or the worst.." I sigh.
She starts crying again.
Confessional end:
Julia proceeds to punch the dinosaur and make it fly onto the wall. I have no idea how she does that but anyways. Priya tries blasting Julia off the wire but before I could do so, I point the gun to her face.
Julia manages to jump till the end my climbing onto Caleb and I cant help but gasp. She still looks so hot with that mullet.
"Yeah girl!" I exclaim.
I proceed to shoot Zee for absolutely no reason at all.
"Ow, like..Why?!" Zee cries.
"I don't know, you were there."
Small timeskip:
Julia is approaching and she has a very high chance of winning, I believe in her. Not to be cheesy or anything, whatever.
"When Julia wins she'll rub it in my face. But, since I helped her win ill get to rub it in her face! I snicker.
"Its what friends do." I reassure.
Confessional end:
"Come on Julia you got this!" I cheer.
Wayne, Caleb, and Julia are all heading towards the finish line, im scared out of my socks right now.
And the winner is....Wayne..? How?! Julia was so close!
"I cheated, lied, manipulated people! How did I not win?" Julia asks.
"Its a mystery." I sigh.
Confessional end:
"Come on, lets go to my hotel room." I suggest.