Elvis pov

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It's me and Chels' 10th anniversary since we opened the hospital. She is at lunch, I am making my rounds I see Molly, the nurse chels had fired for Molly disrespecting my wife. "Molly you might wanna get the hell out of here if chels sees you, she will tell you off privately. She don't so her anger here or at home, violently no. But she's straight to the point." I see chels turn the Conor she looks pissed and said" Molly my office now" Molly followed chels, I always have chels' back even when she's wrong. I stand outside. Chels took a deep breath and said" you had no right to disrespect me out there not only in front of my husband but the entire er. What the hell? You could've said you needed to talk. I want you out do you hear me? Out! Your fired! And I'm serious I'll have security escort you out." I saw Molly leave and Molly flipped off chels I said "hey no, she's right. You could've told her you needed to talk to her instead of putting her in a situation like that" Molly said"she was with her gram" I said"she does that with every patient Molly she sits and tries with every single one til she's on the floor in tears. You don't see it cuz your to far up Tommy's ass to notice." And I walked into my wife's office and hugged her"it's ok." And I kissed her head holding her.

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