6- Welcome to Umber

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My head is throbbing. *cries*

Chapter Six

~Thea's POV~

I get a letter back from Loki the night before I leave for Umber. I'm in the living room, on my phone and trying not to panic while Max is typing away on his computer. Klaka and I have just gotten back from a run through the neighborhood, so I'm a teensy bit sweaty as I text Dara. We've agreed to meet in front of our dorm building right before our individual meetings with our dorm advisor. Ours is named Susan.

All my stuff is packed and already loaded into the van down in the apartment garage. I will officially be a high school student tomorrow. I also have to see Jack again tomorrow, and MaryAnne. Kyle, who is currently still on his honeymoon with Emmaline in Cancun, had done some research and determined that not only is she British, but she's also going to Umber. Oh the joy.

"Remind me again," I say to Max as I lean against the chair, "Why Videl and Angelique are coming with us."

I should mention that Max and I are getting along again, which narrows the list of people I'm holding a grudge against to Jack, Neidra, and Thor.

Max smiles inwardly, "Because Angelique wants to help you and Dara decorate, and Videl goes where Angelique goes."

I groan, "He's going to scare the boys away."

"At least he cares," Max points out.

I snort, but I can't deny it.

At that moment, a bright light appears in front of me, and I jump back automatically, while Klaka barks sharply. Then, the light snuffs out, and a piece of paper floats down onto the coffee table in front of me.

Max looks up, "Asgardian mail delivers."

I unfold the paper and read.


Nothing you write can be boring. I am stuck in a cell in the deepest depths of Asgardian prison, and your words are my only source of true entertainment. Do not be so cocky about Neidra that you don't be careful, especially since you will be isolated at school. Do you know what happened in Canada?

Put Jack out of your mind. There is no place for him right now. Heartbreak is like pulling a rope, when your hands are beginning to crack and bleed from grabbing for so long- it is less painful to let go than to keep pulling and holding on, if you have the bravery to do it.

I have no experience with Midgardian schooling, but I suspect you are going to have an entire new world to brave. I suggest you be yourself, and if anyone has a problem with that...well, I think you know what to do.

You do belong in Asgard. It is your lineage, and your true home. The bit in your heart that feels foreign on Earth is the bit in your heart that beats for Asgard. Someday, you will return, and someday, I will be out of this prison, and I will teach you all there is to know about this realm and the ones beyond. And one day, you will be queen. Do not, for my peace of mind, attempt another disastrous portal travel. Stay put and attempt some patience, even though I know it is hard for you to be patient when you have fire running through your blood.


"What'd he say?" asks Max, glancing up from his work. Max has been working really hard lately, and I can't help but notice that he looks tired each week. At least he hasn't collapsed any more.

"Not to forget about Neidra, to forget about Jack, and the ever-constant reminder that I could be queen someday," I say, "Is there paper anywhere?"

Maelstrom|Book 5| A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|Where stories live. Discover now