24- Halloween Night

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Hey all, sorry for not updating yesterday, I was a bit lazy. But I did get some homework done. *yay*

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Halloween Night

"Mickey and Minne. Seriously. Why are you two going as Mickey and Minnie?!" demands Sidney.

It's Halloween night, and Dara and I have just walked out of our dorms to the courtyard, where Jack and Sid are waiting for us. The courtyard, like most of Umber, is decorated with so much Halloween stuff, we might as well be in a giant outdoor haunted house. Strobe lights, weird scary sounds, teachers dressed up as monsters, and hanging skeletons from the trees are just part of the fun.

"Because we have a lot more stuff on our minds than winning Comic Con 2015," retorts Jack.

"You're still sore because you screamed like a girl when you that fake spider jumped out at you during lunch," says Sidney.

"Okay," says Jack, pointing at his best friend, "I did not scream like a girl, but that's just against sanitary code, I mean, an arachnid in the cafeteria? What has this world come to?"

"Still sore," says Dara, who is adjusting my mouse ears. She'd also done my makeup, which had included whispers and a black eyeliner nose. "Jack, I still need to give you your mouse nose."


"Yes," says Dara very firmly. She's going as Tia Dalma, from Pirates of the Caribbean which I'm sure Jack would have loved except that he is currently trying to dodge away from her eyeliner-proffered hand.

Five minutes of argumentation and one flattering kiss later, Jack is wrinkling his nose, which has eyeliner smudged all over it, and complaining loudly. Dara has to stand on her tiptoes to reach him. She looks very very pleased with herself, and I don't blame her.

In the meanwhile, I'm looking over Sidney, who is dressed up as some obscure Game of Thrones character that I can't even begin to know about. "And what's so wrong with Mickey and Minnie? They're cheesy."

"Classically cheesy," I say.

"Did you just make a cheese and mouse pun?" asks Sidney.

"Yes," I say, even though I hadn't meant to.

"I hope you're happy," grumbles Jack a few minutes later as we walk down the path towards the main part of campus, where the gym is. He might be acting cranky, but he's still holding my hand.

It's been a hectic couple weeks. Jack and I go home every weekend to help with the rondayven and to visit "The Crew" as Kyle has labeled us. We might be a crew, but we're also a very disbanded Crew. Most times when Jack and I are there, people are going in and out of the Tower, and I haven't even seen Natasha or Clint or Steve since before my birthday. Videl is usually in and out, and he's been in a lot better a mood since he and Angelique have made up. Max is operating from home with Bruce, while Kyle and Tony take to the global diplomacy, which sometimes goes better for them other times.

Thor has been off in all three realms, trying to get control of Asgard, helping Videl with the Ardhigiza evacuation, and discussing the rondayven on Earth. It's been decided that we will wait a little longer to use "drastic measure" to get the Twenty-Five to cooperate, but if Neidra makes any more moves, then Loki is going to use his mind control powers. Right now, he's staying in Stark Tower, not doing much, but it's ten times better than prison.

The sun has almost set by the time we get the gym, which is emitting the loud thumping noises of the stereo. The gym is attached to the main admin of the school, and that building is decorated for Halloween too, complete the green and purple lights, spider webs, and plenty of pumpkins.

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