6 - Dinner With Seventeen

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「 d i n n e r  w i t h  s e v e n t e e n 」

"Yayyy dinner time!"

Living with Seventeen wasn't so bad. At least I did get my showers without the boys rushing so I was happy about that. My one complaint though, was they often went out for food. It was weird to be going out everyday for just food. Back in New York I would stock the fridge and wouldn't go out for food until my fridge was empty. With art school being until 5:30, I usually went home right after. There really was no one I could talk with after school so I was accustomed to staying home and working on projects and going online. But in Korea it was a totally different schedule. I would wake up early and head to the studio with the boys. Sometimes Hansol had to carry me half way because I was not one to get up early. I guess that was a sign of me slacking on my duties. I was the caretaker I should have been waking them up and not the other way around.

But with school I woke up 20 minutes before class started and put on anything in sight and packed my bag quickly and walk the long streets of New York. My art school wasn't that strict with lateness but you had to come prepared or else you'd be nothing the whole day. Or maybe it was just my teacher. The point was, this was like living someone else's life. We would get home late and usually eat in between the boys training.

Although, dinner was different. They would order rarely and we usually would walk to a small restaurant. Back home I would make noodles and eat like a sloppy person. Living alone had it's perks but when it came to going out it was hard to be mannered. Especially when you were living with 13 guys.

Tonight was no different. It was the fifth night out and I was tired of acting so weird. I would excuse myself to use the restroom but would only go to check if I had anything on my face. If I did I was in trouble. That would mean I was eating sloppy and if I didn't have anything I was safe. When we arrived we took up two tables. I sat with Chan, Seungkwan, Seokmin, Jihoon, Minghao, and Jeonghan tonight. It was bit different but it was comfortable.

"So what do you want?" Seungkwan asks me as he gives me options. He endlessly names things and I get lost and give a questioning face to the others asking what the hell was he saying. Seokmin and Minghao laugh at the same time and I sigh.

"Uh you can pick for me." I smile at Seungkwan. He didn't ask questions and happily picks something for me and one for himself.

"So Minhee noona, how's life in South Korea?" Chan asks me as I shrug.

"Different. I mean not in a bad way it's a good different- how about you Minghao? How different is it from China?" I question switching the focus off of me. He immediately answers but I blank out. Focus on eating correctly. Manners, manners, manners.

"Minhee you look nervous." Chan says only loud enough for me to hear.

"Nah." I deny as the food comes to our table first, maybe because we had ordered first. My food held alot of noodles. Great, I'll be slurping. Thanks, Seungkwan.

Everyone begins to dig in as I hesitate with my chopsticks. How do I eat politely with noodles? I know how to, I'm not completely disorganized but I can't even use chopsticks right.

"Minhee if you're not going to eat then I'll eat it for you." Jihoon says from across the table.

"No! Want me to starve?" I look at the other table and see Hoshi with meat and tons of vegetables. Why couldn't I limit my choices to that? I grab my chopsticks and attempt to grab the noddles but fail.

"Ah you don't know how to use chopsticks!" Jeonghan says pointing out why I wasn't eating.

"It's easy Minhee-ah!" Seungkwan says with a polite smile. He shows me how with his own but I really wasn't learning. Put my fingers where? How did children learn how to eat? I got most of it but when it came to actually eating, I messed up due to my nervousness. "Like this!" Seungkwan says patiently.

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