In the hospital 1.4

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"You're welcome, princess! Just try and get some rest now..."

-mhm, okay! *I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep a few minutes later

He watches as I close my eyes and almost immediately drift off to sleep. He can see the exhaustion written all over my face and can't help but feel guilty again, knowing that I'm in this hospital and suffering because of him. He lets out a sigh , sitting in the chair next to the bed, watching over me as I sleep...
He feels a sense of responsibility over me, knowing his the reason for all of this, he reaches out, gently caressing my hair, feeling guilty and concerned for me. He can't stop thinking about the details of what happened that caused me te get shot and end up like this, and the feeling of the helplessness he felt not being able to protect me from Alex. The possibility of Alex coming back to finish what he started has been a constant worry since the accident.

"...I have to keep watch. I have to keep you safe...I won't let anything happen to you again. I swear on my own life..."

* hear him as he speaks*

He thought he has been whispering to himself quietly but it looks like I've hear him...

*i open my eyes slowly and start coughing...i...i, i need ..i need.."

*he knows right away that im probably thirsty , he immediately stands up from the chair and walks over to my bedside trying to keep his voice gentle as he speaks to me..*

"What is it, sweetheart? What do you need? Water?"

*i nod*- wa...water..

He pours a glass of water and brings it over to me holding the cups to my lips so i can drink

"Here you go, princess. Take a few sips slowly."

*i take a sip and when i try to move a little i feel a sharp pain on my chest*

"Hey, hey don't move too much! You're still hurt, you need to be careful and take it easy , the doctors said you need to stay still and let your wounds heal."

*its been already a week in the hospital *

-you see that I'm getting bored from laying in bed all the time...

"I know you're bored, honey. But you still need to rest . You're healing, the doctors said you can't get up and move around for at least a couple more weeks."

-I know, i know, but it's so tiring and overwhelming for me to stay in bed all the time...

*just when i finish talking there's a knock on the door *knock knock*

Before he can say anything he responds to the knock

"Who is it?"

*one of the bodyguards that's been standing by the door comes in*

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Sir! But i thought you might wanted to know's important! *as he nods for him to follow outside*

I look at the bodyguard and then at Matteo noticing the urgency in his tone. Matteo glances over at me for a moment , making sure I'm safe and comfortable, before he nods at the bodyguard.

"Yes, I'll come out in a minute...keep an eye on her while I'm gone, alright?"

"Of course, boss! *he says*

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