The SnowBoarding Incident

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 The next morning, I woke up so excited. We finally get to go snowboarding. I ran down to breakfast. Still in my pajamas. My aunt, uncle, cousins, and their girlfriends were at the same table as yesterday morning. This time Brandon was there. I took a seat between Brandon and Brooklyn.

"So, short stuffs, how was the mall yesterday?" Chris asked me and Brooke.

"Very, uhh...." Brooklyn started.

"Interesting," I finished.

"What do you mean by that?" Nate asked. Just then we heard a whistling from the lobby. James, AND his hoodlums, all checking in.

"Brooklyn, don't turn around, unless you want to pass out." I started, nervously. "You don't want to know who just checked in."

"Well, well, well.... Look who it is, Fierce and her sidekick scream." James joked.

"Who is that?" Nate asked.

"They were picking on us all day at the mall yesterday." I responded.

"James, Hi. Where is Connor?" Josh asked.

"Woah, woah, woah. You know him?" Brooklyn asked, annoyed. "He couldn't let me walk past him without whistling at my butt!!"

"He is my best friends brother, where is Connor?" Josh stated.

"Carrying mine, Brett',s Matthew's, and his stuff up to our rooms. Skiing stuff is heavy, you know?" James said.

Josh walked out of the room and saw Connor. He picked up some of the bags and helped Connor up. Brooklyn followed, grabbing two more bags. I figured I would help too. After we went over there, we each only had to carry two bags.

Josh and Connor chatted as we walked up the stairs. "What room are you?" Josh asked.

"Theirs and my girlfriends, are coming here in a little bit. Mine is 720, James is 630, Brett is 629, and Matthew is 628. We will go to the sixth floor first." Connor said as he walked in front of us. We dropped everyone's stuff of, and then went back down stairs.

"Your stuff is in your room, bossy one." Brooklyn snapped at James.

"Why, I oughta," Brett stepped forward.

"Do you want a black eye too?!?" Brooklyn was getting angry.

"Don't talk to him like that." Josh said.

"Oh honey, look at James' eye, that's from my fist yesterday." Brooklyn calmed down.

"I suggest you don't mess with her." Josh suggested.

"That's better." Brooklyn looked at me. "And mess with her, see what will happen then."

We decided that we should still get breakfast. Me and Brooke both got some blueberry pancakes, with bacon and raspberries. And to drink, peach juice. They all looked us weird because of the peach juice, but it's good.

Brooklyn and I both went up to our rooms. And came out with all our stuff. We walked down to the lobby as Connors girlfriend was checking in.

"We will meet you at the snow cabin." Josh told Connor. I knew that the snow cabin was were we keep our bags and put our coat and stuff on.

Josh, Brandon, Brooklyn and I all walked to the cabin. When we got there we put our stuff on and me and Brooklyn went before Connor got there.

Brooklyn and I got on the ski lift and fastened our boards to our feet. When we got to the top, we jumped off. It was fun boarding to the bottom.

As Connor, his girlfriend, Josh and Brandon got on the lift, Brooklyn and I were getting on for our second time. When we got to the top, Josh and Brandon were waiting to race us.

"Ready, set, GO!!" Brandon yelled. We were off I was in the lead for the first ten seconds, then Josh and Brooke whipped right in front. I saw them getting closer and closer together.

"This isn't good," I thought. "They could cross." And just as that came to mind, it happened. Brooklyn flipped right over Josh. Knocking them both down. Brandon didn't noticed and past it.

"Brandon?!?!" I yelled. "Go get your mom!! Hurry!!" Within minutes my aunt and Brooklyn's mom were there.

Josh had managed to take his board off and carry Brooklyn to the side. And Mrs. Reynolds and Aunt Casie were there. Aunt Casie called 911 immediately.

"What happened?" Mrs. Reynolds asked. Brooklyn couldn't talk through the sobbing.

"We were racing down the hill," I started.

"And me and Brooklyn, passed Emma," Josh continued.

"They got too close," I picked up where he left off.

"And she flipped over my back." Josh finished.

"An ambulance is on the way," Aunt Casie said.

"Brookey, can you rate the pain." Mrs. Reynolds asked. Brooklyn has told me about this. Her mom use to be a nurse and whenever Brooklyn or Brandon get hurt, she will ask them to rate the pain.

"Nine," Brooklyn sobbed. Brooklyn had also told me that she never uses ten, doesn't matter how hurt she gets, there is something worst out there, that she is saving the ten for.


The ambulance was there within ten minutes. Mrs. Reynolds and I got to go with Brooklyn in the ambulance. Aunt Casie agreed she would take Brandon and Josh after they get us our shoes and our purses from our snow cabin locker.

It took another ten minutes to get to the hospital. Brooklyn had calmed down a little by then. They took us to the waiting room and took Brooklyn to get an x-ray.

A nurse came out to take us to Brooklyn's room, just as Josh and Brandon got there. The nurse took us all to her room. Once we were in the room the nurse told us that she broke her foot. Aunt Casie let me stay overnight, with her while she was getting the cast put on. Josh stayed too.


The next morning Mrs. Reynolds was there to pick us all up. They let Brooklyn leave without questions. They said she would have to get surgery when she gets home.

We got back to the lodge. And I decided to have a sleepover. Tomorrow would be a great night to have it sleepover.

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