Out of My Head

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Lucifer had joined me in my room an hour later like he promised and sat down in his original spot.
"There is always one like you. Not obedient but very smart. Smart enough to know that they arent as innocent as they thought they were before they met me. Im glad you actually spoke to me. So now i will discuss what you want to know about tomarrow." he says.
"Of course your not gonna tell me how to save myself right?" i ask
"Of course." he says patting my hand then leaning back and folding his fingers together. Im finally taking in his clothing. All black with a blue tie and light blue shirt. Its all well fitted and admirable. "Tomarrow you will be put in a puzzle like place. You use you mind most of the time to get out. I warn you, things there will try to hurt you whether it be a thing or a person. Trust me and try to keep your sanity. I wont be able to communicate with you when you're inside."
"Inside what." i ask.
"Something like a purgatory." he says and my eyes widen. "Ill see you tomorrow to dress you appropriately then youll be off with everyone else." he stands and walks to the door but before he walks out he turns around and looks at me. "Try to get some rest." then he snaps his finger and i am suddenly drowsy.

I dont know when id fallen alseep but i remember waking up that morning with a woman standing over me with a black and grey out fit over her arm. Her eyes were blank like her face and she made no attempts to speak. I sat up and looked her up and down. She was highly attractive her brown curly hair was thrown in a roll at the top of her head and she was dressed in a semi formal dark blue dress and heels. She stretched out the outfit to me and i grabbed it. There was a note attached to it and i read it as she left.
"Boots are at the end of your bed. Please get dressed for breakfast... breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes. You will be equipped with a watch for the date and time and that is it. This is a safe test when it comes to you against everyone else. You work together or not all. Enjoy your meal and report to back to your room before nine.
                                 -thank you for cooperating"
I assumed it was from him and i got dressed in what seemed like military gear but was less uniform like and almost sexy. The pants reached my waist and the shirt was cropped. I left my room, not blindfolded again but still escorted to the dining room where breakfast was served. Simple yogart and granola along with egg omlets for everyone. We had orange juice and milk as well but i only drank the orange juice. Fallowed my instructions after breakfast and reported back to my room. Everything was different in the room. The bed was gone and Lucifer was standing where my bed was. In fact everything was gone except the once locked wardrobe which stood open and dark and empty. Lucifer reached out his hand to me and didnt speak. He smiled and directed me tawords the wardrobe. I look at him nervously.
"Just face away and fall back my pet. Dont be nervous." he says as i stand in front of it now facing him ready to fall. I hear screams from the other room next to me. Its Maranda. Her voice disappears under me then gone completely.
"Could you makes the walls thicker?" i ask a bit shaken.
"Thats a thought. Dont be scared pet. Just fall." he says im slightly calm as i back up a little to find there is no where else to back up. He kisses my hand. "Now would be a good time to fall." he says then I close my eyes and breath....letting go of his hand I fall back only to submerge in water.

My eyes open...darkness...why cant I breathe? I push air out of my lungs. Bubbles. Water. I begin to swim but i cant move. Its as if theres nothing at all. I have no legs or fingers. I close my eyes and relax. Theres a loud sound pulsing through now. I feel a hand grab my arm. I stay immobile. I can breath now but i dont want to. I feel something pushing against my chest. I cough water up and now my lungs are burning. Finally im breathing. There blurry voices floating through.
"Shes alive."
"What do we do now?"
"Wait for her to wake up."
I open my eyes and stare at all the faces. Matthew, i dont like Matthew, Nicholas, Ariel and Maranda.
"Amerita!" Nicholas says. I cough.
"Amy." i correct him.
"Amy," he corrects himself, "what took you so long?"
"I was under for 2 minutes." i say.
"No you were under for an hour." nicholas says, surprising me. "Theres a change of clothes in there." he points to another room. "You must be freezing." now that he mentioned it i am cold. I go to the room and take my clothes off. Luckily finding underwear and a bra and my usual attire. I slip into everything but a shirt enjoying my halfnakedness i walk out into what seemed like a den but was nothing but wooden chairs.
"Im guessing what i was wearing was basically a wet suit!" i say sitting down with my wet brown hair slipping in front of both my breasts...everyone gawks at my shirtless body.
"Aaannnd its time for you to put a shirt on missy!" Nicholas says, i roll my eyes.
"And if i refuse?" i ask. He scowls at me.
"Ill twist 'em." he says threateningly. I smile.
"I might like it." i say seductively.
"Yo, masochists, get a room!" Maranda blurts out. I laugh uncontrollably.
Matthew pipes up. "Shouldnt we study trying to get out of here?"
"Maybe." Nicholas says, being a sarcastic ass.
"Alright listen asshole- Matthew begins to say but i cut him off.
"Yo dont be a bitch." i say. "Were all in here and we all have to get out and from what i was told it takes all of us so please stop the arguing before it starts."
"And you were the only one told..." Matt complains. I get the feeling of deja vu lurching beside me as it were an old friend.

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