All of the People

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What day is it? I cant tell. The reddish brown im surrounded by sticks in my brain. I sit up and reach to rub my sticky eyes but hear something chimn and feel a new weight on my wrists. I see chains that are latched onto me and at first i think its just from last night but these arent just any red rooms chains and this isnt a porn movie. I think back to what happened last night.
I was in a bar trying to get as drunk as possible. I was just a couple floors from my apartment. I remember being watched. This gorgeous man sits next to me. He doesnt even touch my drink i remember that. No i wasnt even drunk enough not to. He talks to me for a while and im so distracted by his beautiful face and green eyes i dont touch my drink. Its like he was hypnotising me. I hear something about my past and i stop and glare.
"Uhm." i mumble. I didnt even know the question. He then touches my hand and smiles and thats all i remember before i went to "sleep".
I look around then examine how long the chains were. Long enough for me to walk but i cant reach the door. Speaking of door. A figure walks in this room and stares at me.
"Ah, you are awake." i hear yelling from another room. It sounded like' you are going to hell!'. I glance at the wall as the man locks the door behind him. He smiles at me and i recognize the smile and the grin. Its him from the night before. I dont say anything though. I don't even panic. I just stand there and smile back. "Im sorry about the yelling. One of our guests doesnt like his subtle kidnapping."
"Kidnapping?" i ask. He smiles again.
"I just love your voice." he strokes my chin. I scowl slightly. "Whats the matter pet?" i shake my chains. "Ah, yes. Those, just a precaution. For now. It is best that i keep you restrained for a while. Hopefully youll be obedient. Unlike the rest." i nod.
"I promise i will." i say. He shakes his head.
"Good girl." he says. "I trust you because youve most likely been in this situation before. Well the masochistic part of it."
"How do you..." i say But before i can ask he quiets me.
"Ill come back to see you my pet." he walks out of the room and locks the door. I plop down on the bed i had awoken on. Im staring at the beautiful colors on the ceiling. It almost looks like church paintings. Im loomed by them. I get lost in daydreaming until he comes back and wakes me from my imagination. He kisses my forehead.
"Sorry, i had to contain my guests." i furrow my brows. Im not complaining. I think. He unlatches my wrists. I rub them thankfully. Moveing to a chair i didnt know was in the corner he sits down and gestures me to do so as well. Call him sir, treat him with respect. If hes anything like my ex he'll like that. I sit on the bed facing him.
"In sure you are wondering why you are here." i snicker. It seems funny to me. "You're amused?" he questioned.
"Yes sir." i stop giggling.
"Why." he askes confused. I guess he never had kidnapped someone like me. Someone who doesnt care.
"I just. I dont have family. No friends or boyfriend. What is there to worry about." i say. "Thats probably the only reason id want freedom right? Even though i have a job and things i shouldnt care cause now you have to take care of me feed me if you're planning on keeping me alive."
"Hmm... Well i need you alive for what you will be doing." he says.
"What would that be?" i ask.
"You will know soon enough but first lets get you dressed and pampered." he says clapping his hands. He moves to a locked closet and unlocks it and pulls out a black dress with lace in various places.
"Why? Wait who are you?" he smiles at me when i ask that.
"Were having a dinner and i want you dressed nicely like the other guests. Your clothing you are wearing, well, lets just say isnt very decent for a girl." i glower at my clothing for a moment, jeans and a regular tshirt. "And to answer your other question, you may call me Lucifer. Im sure you may know why." i look at him and giggle again. He scowls once more.
"Great im captured by a damned Angel. Nice." i say.
"Precisely." i stop giggling and give him a questioning expression.
"Uhm... Wha- hold on, you're-" he inturrupts me.
"Yes i am, in disquise. Get dressed."he says. I stand there stunned as he stares at me and after a minute i build up a sentence to say.
"...well...whats for dinner?"i ask

For the next hour I was told to primp and look nice for dinner. The dress Lucifer handed me fit so perfectly. There was nothing covering my back hardly so i was kinda cold when a man unlocked my door, blindfolded me, and had taken me to my seat,he unveiled my eyes so i could see when i sat down. I was almost directly in the middle of the table. It was oval and seated six people comfortably. I was third to sit down. Everyone seemed terrified but i sat comfortably awaiting my dinner. After everyone sat down i did a head count. Every chair was full except the master chair. I assumed he would sit. I was able to make out the small carvings in the chair that awaited him. At the very top of it one could see an upside down triangle surrounded multiple knotted snakes. I was looking around the room at the painting when someone nudged me.
"You seem like you belong here, why are we here? Can you get us out?" the man sitting next to me says. He has blonde hair and a nice freshly shaved face. His voice sounded like the one who was yelling earlier.
"Heres an idea dont assume things. Im here for the same reason everyone else is. The only difference between me and you is i know what to do when it comes to life or death. My advice to you is shut up and do as your told." i snap at him in a hushed tone. He looked dissapointed. I guessed he was hoping to get out. Too late now.
Lucifer comes to sit and he smiles at everyone. He glances at me and give me a wink and the man from earlier looks at me with resent but i ignore him.
"Im sure everyone is probably hungry, and you were only allowed to eat if yu didnt put any physical aggression tawords me or you escorts. So thank you for being cooperative when it came to your arrival at this table. I would like to-

"Is this some sick joke?" the yeller says. Lucifer scowls at him.
"Matthew, unfortunately in your case no it isnt." he says. Huh...matthew. I thought. Matthew stands up.
"Why dont you just kill me already?!" he says getting red faced. "Im just a reverend. I dont deserve this. I have a family. My wife is-
"The wife you cheated on multiple times, not only with women but men too? Going to whore houses every friday?" Lucifer stands up as well. "Im only going to tell you this once, sit down." his calm words sliced through him like a razor blade as he lowered in his seat. Still standing Lucifer continued to speak. "Im not a man of negotiations, you have all learned today, a lot of you the hard way. You will leave, all of you will. Depending on how fast you pass is how fast you leave." he sits.
"Now im planning on discussing a test after dinner with one of you. While we eat lets take some time to get to know eachother." as he speaks chefs load the table with meals and wines. Everyone has a different meal and it seems to be a pattern of their favorites or their most hated. My mean was a complete Japanese entré. Four kinds of sushi with rice wasabi and soy noodles. I began to dig in. Some people watched me in disgust as i chowed down and no one ate. They still stared at their food with fear. Lucifer sat and drank some merlot and watched everyone.
"You see here now we know everyones favorite dish." he said, i looked up after finishing three sushi rolls. It was fairly quiet so i got bored and spoke up.
"Sir," he turned his attention tawords me and smiled.
"Ah, yes, my obedient pet?" he askes.
"How do you know so much about us?" i ask.
"I just was informed by some important people." he says.
"Well what do you know about me?" i smile.
"Well..." he looks around. "Since you asked you deserve an answer. You are twenty two years old. Your home state North Carolina. You had just graduated college but before hand you had been a masochist's submissive at age seventeen. You molested and beatin at age nine. You have a scar on your lower back and you've been something of a black widow. Lets just say you are a very bad girl." i blush and push my overlonged brown hair to my back, self concious about the scar that i had forgotten about until now.
"Do you know my full name?" someone gasps at my continuing the conversation.
"Yes. Amerita '(am-ir-it-o)'Mandel Sanchez. You prefer to be called Amy." he says. I tremmer inside. "You are brave, and smart, hopefully you can help everyone else tomorrow get through the test." i finish my plate now wondering what the test is. Everyone begins to talk amongst themselves which makes Lucifer smile. I learn everyones name. Maranda who is the youngest here, is nineteen. Nicholas 27, Ariel 25 and Matthew is 30. I have already told myself i do not like Matthew. I have a bad feeling about him. I catch myself staring at Lucifer blankly. I realize hes staring back. Hes stands uo and moves to mt chair with his hands on both of my arms he whisper in my ear. His breath against it makes my breathing hitch.
"Listen to me. Be careful. Even being a law breaker and a killer you arent scaring anyone. Ill seek you out in your room in an hour to discuss some things." he says. Now im scared. As calm as i can be i havent been stupid all my life. I dont trust him but then again i do. What am i going to do when dawn comes tomarrow. In fear i just might die i ask to return to my room where im blindfolded once more and locked away.

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