Chapter 2 - a Hell of a bad time

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(AN: █ means someone can't hear what is being said)

I stare up at the shattered moon, as the pieces float into place. "What sort of divine event did I just miss?" I look around at the empty, verdant green field of grass that I awakened in, and I sigh. "At least that's all that's gonna happen, I'd bet.

I flinch as I feel it. darkness, creeping up my mind and spine. I whimper as a booming laugh is heard.


I turn and choke back a scream as I see him: the Daedric Prince, Molag Bal.

Grey, leathery skin with scattered carapace-like ridges, 2 massive, curling horns, clawed rooster-like feet, a long, ribbed tail with a sharp tip, and large hands tipped with claws. he was garbed in a loincloth, wielding a spiked mace in his left hand. his ice-blue eyes gaze out at the world as he laughs.

 his ice-blue eyes gaze out at the world as he laughs

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I nearly fall to my knees, looking at him in terror. "...wallahi-" He hears me, and his head snaps over to look at me.

"oh? oh! An Archon, vampire, and Dragonborn?"

"I'm not Dovahkiin-"

Molag Bal laughs. "of course you're not! but you are still of Dovah sil and Dovah sol. Now, just answer one single question for me..." he giggles a tiny bit, trying not to smile. I gulp, knowing I had no choice but to go along with it, I nodded. "Y-Yes, lord Molag Bal?"

"Did you pray today?" Molag's face twists into a malevolent grin.

[Started: Scion of Coldharbour]

", N-No god please no..."

Molag Bal simply grins wider, and steps closer. "you already know. Now, what is your name?

"Martin Rose..." I feel my mind become numb and begin to slip away, as Molag grabs me.

I weakly yelp as he rips my clothing away. I scream as he gets behind me, and it begins-







A G O N Y !

I T    H U R T S !

I feel my guts be torn apart, as he shreds my back and rips up my spine. I feel my blood burn like fire, my marrow becomes molten, and my bones are reforged by the power of Coldharbour. I feel him drain me dry of Vital energy, and I scream until my vocal cords tear, as his frigid, dark energy replaces it. I try to turn and hit him with my left hand, only for him to bite it off of me, and my hoarse shrieking echoes through the empty fields of grass as his clawed, cold hands shatter my hips.

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