June 15 the best day of my life

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Authors note: hey every one most of the chapters ahead are about Mackenzie before she was talken away.
I remember it just like it was yesterday, the day that I met Luke I knew my life was changed forever. That morning I was heading into town to get groceries for the house because we were running low and mama and daddy were busy with the farm. I remember driving into town with the windows roles down feeling the summer breeze flow through the truck tangling itself into my blonde hair that I decided to leave down that day which later I was glad I did. As I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store this boy ran right in front of me, as I slammed on the breaks he looked towards me scared like a deer in head lights. He walked up to my window and said "I am so sorry for scaring you, hey are you new around here I've never seen you before?" As I heard that I was kind of shocked "I've actually lived here my whole life, I don't really come into town much only if I need to." I exclaimed. He seemed sort of suprised but he then said "well if that's the case would you like to get a bite to eat sometime?" With this smile that would make anyone blush like a tomato as I know I was, this guy who looked like someone you would only dream about asked me to go eat with him sometime I was shocked. Even though I was screaming on the inside besides my blushing cheeks I calmly said "sure I'll see if I have time, when would you want to?" I could tell he was shocked by my laid back answer I was too but he then smiled again and said "how about tomorrow? If you have the time." He let out a light chuckle as did I, I then said "I think I can fit you in, what time?" He barely let me finish my sentence as he egerly said "how's six thirty sound?" I giggled lightly and said "six thirty sounds perfect" by this time I relized that I hadn't even gotten out of my truck to go and get the groceries that I came to get. As I turned of the engine and hopped out of the truck as my feet met the asphalt I felt a rain drop land on my head. I then looked up to Luke when I noticed that he was rather tall since I wasn't in my truck that I have to pretty much crawl into, I got to really see him the way his messy blonde hair fell on top of his head and how bright his blue eyes were, they were the same color as mine yet not even close to what mine looked like. Luke lightly laughed and said "you like what you see?" As I then started blushing again like a cherry red tomato I said "ehh it's alright" with a giggle, he acted so offended and said "well damn I though we were on the same page." As he stuck out his bottom lip which made me smile "I was kidding, I feel like we are on the same page" I happily spoke. We again were so caught in conversation we both stopped long enough to relize that the few sprinkles that I had felt prior to our recent conversation had turned into and afternoon summer shower. We both had then ran into the store laughing and we then started at what was the best grocery shopping trip ever. As we went through each isle we talked about our selfs, for me I talked about life on the farm and he talked about life in town, I talked about wishing I lived close near people so I could have a normal teenage life and he talked about wishing he could just get away from it all sometimes. I remember going through the dairy section and grabbing a carton of milk when Luke grabbed my hand and said " I though you lived on a farm? Don't you have cows?" I who was mainly focused on how he Luke a guy was pretty much holding my hand in a way could only stutter out "pigs. Chickens. We have pigs and chickens." He chucked and said "why do you seem so dumbfounded hasn't a guy even touched your hand before?" I shook out of my daze and said with a little bit of an attitude "actually if that were any of your business no a guy hasn't ever touched my hand before thank you very much." I then yanked my hand from beneath his and walked to go get some cheese, I could feel him looking at me I though the footsteps I heard were him waking away but then I feel he's hand gently grab my arm and pull me close to him not to close but closer than I had ever been with any guy. I looked up at him and he gently touched my cheek which was as hot as fire and he spoke softly only I could hear " I'm sorry Mckenzie  I didn't mean to be rude and I hope my smart mouth didn't ruin anything that might have been forming because I know we just met but I am really atracted to you and I feel something different about you and I hope you give me the time to figure out what that is." As I looked deep into his eyes it felt like the world was going in slow motion almost like time had stopped and I choked up a little but said "I'm glad we're on the same page." I shook out our daze and the world started moving again I picked up a bag of cheese and said I think that's about it, he look shocked and had this smile on his face, I laughed and said "what do I have something on in my teeth?" He lightly chuckled "no but you saying that helped me notice your beautiful smile." He proclaimed with a smile, I as I had done alot that day blushed and spoke softly "thank you but there are alot of smiles that are prettier than mine." But he quickly shot down my statement by exclaiming "your smile is one of a kind it's beautiful, a smile reflects alot about a person sometimes and yours shows that not only you are beautiful but your heart is beautiful too." I was speechless no one had ever called me beautiful beside my mother and father which grained I never really talk to much of anyone until now. I could only get a few words out because I was still shocked, "thank you." Is what I could squeeze out with a blushing smile which made him smile too. After going through the checkout line we walked outside to feel the mugginess coming from the steam off the street, the sky's were blue again with few clouds and the sun was shining bright as it was before. Luke walked me to my truck and helped me put the bags filled with groceries into the bed of the truck and we discussed on where we would meet tomorrow which would be at this same place at around six fifteen and we would take truck from there. He had opened my door for me and closed it once I got in and said "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Smiling and as I smiled back and said "as do I, tomorrow." Him still smiling so fly spoke "tomorrow." I though about alot of things on the way home like what was for supper, what was I going to wear tomorrow. What was I going to wear tomorrow? What was I going to wear tomorrow! As I stressed about that the whole way home I quickly put up the groceries in their place and rushed up stairs and rummaged through my clothes and after about and hour of contemplating outfit after outfit I picked just the right one, it was perfect. I stared at that outfit for a really long time until I felt my stomach growl, had I missed supper? I went down stairs to find it dark and asleep like everyone in the house was I look and the clock said eleven thirty-three had I been in my room for that long? I then went and made myself a quick sandwich with a cold glass of milk which made me smile because I though of Luke when I drank it. After my technically midnight snack I changed into a light shirt and shorts pajama set and settled down into bed as I drifted of to sleep I kept think about a few things;








AUTHORS NOTE: I am so deeply sorry for my absence, this part is long over due and I am deeply sorry. I have been extremely busy with alot and have switched phones and I had forgotten my information to get back on here. I hope to be posting more regularly now, thank you so much for all of your patience. Much love, Kelly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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