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Bridgette POV:

This is it, our big trip to Malibu.

"You guys packed?",asked DJ, putting the last of his stuff in a duffel.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so nice to go to a beach! I even bought a new swim suit!",said Dawn happily.

"Last time I went to the beach was when my Pappie took us when I was twelve, and Albertha got second degree burns.",said Scott.

I was beyond excited, I got to surf again! Oh, the good memories I had riding the waves. The endless blue ocean, sparkling in the sun, the wet sand between your toes. The ocean was truly an amazing place.

"I think that's everything!",I said, zipping up my duffel bag. I looked around. We left a few things lying around, like our portable washing machine and fan, our extra clothes, and a few other things.

"Yep! Now lets go out!", said DJ. We had driven to the airport the night before, paying extra for the night parking. If only everything was free.

We were supposed to meet Geoff at out terminal, and I was beyond excited.

We quickly found him, and his bedhead was adorable.

"Hey Bridge.",he said, scratching his next.

"Um hey. Where do we get our tickets?", I questioned.

"Over there, I'll show you.", he said, giving a yawn.

"Why are you so tired?", I asked, watching my fellow hippies leave to go get the tickets.

"Courtney and Duncan got into a fight. And trust me, it wasn't very pretty dudette.", he responded, rubbing his eyes.

"What?! Do you know what it was about?", I asked quietly, getting close to the blonde boy.

"Something about how she thinks he's cheating on her with her best friend, yatta yatta.", he responded, yawning once again.

"What? But it's so obvious he crazy for Courtney!", I said.

"I know! That's what I said dudette!", he said.

I sighed, knowing that no sense could be knocked into those two.

"Geoff!", screamed a girly voice, I turned around to see none other than Dakota Milton herself, walking over in the most fashionable outfit ever.

"Is that?", I asked to myself quietly.

"Hey Dakota.", he greeted, making me smile excitedly.

"Ooh, is this your girlfriend?", she asked, coming up to us and taking off her sunglasses.

I felt my face heat up, and looked to Geoff. He was also blushing, sexily running his hand through his hair.

"We're not dating.", we said simultaneously.

"Oh, well Geoff's not-girlfriend, hi. I'm his cousin Da-", she sticking out her hand.

"-kota Milton! Yes he's told me about you, and I want to say I love your clothing line, I'm wearing the blue hoodie right now!", I cut off, shaking her hand excitedly.

"Yes! I can tell you have a good eye already!", she smiled.

"I'm telling you, Gwen is literally nothing but a friend. Not even a friend, an acquaintance!", Duncan defended, walking to us with Courtney by his side.

"Wow, acquaintance is an awfully big word for a pig like you.", she growled, making the punk sigh.

"Dakota, Bridgette!", said Courtney happily, walking up to us.

"Well, I guess we're all here.", said Geoff, watching Dawn, DJ, and Scott walk over to us.

"I guess.", I said. 

"Terminal 45, Malibu, CA is now boarding. Departure will be in 15 minutes.", said the intercom. We all grabbed out bags and boarded the plane. I ended up being a window seat, across the isle from Geoff.

I smiled and waved at the blonde, earning his toothy grin and a wink back. I rolled my eyes and then blushed, but then Courtney plopped down right next to me. Her hair was in a braid, very messy one though. She was wearing white lace shorts with a purple top. Her eyes were red, and you could tell the girl had probably been crying all night.

"We will now be leaving! Please, turn off all devices until you signal you to turn them back on. We thank you for choosing Air Canada, and hope you enjoy your flight!", said the intercom, making me take a deep breath. It had been a while since I had flown in a plane. I looked to the side to see the tan girl turning off her phone.

"Hi Court!", I greeted with a smile. She turned her head and smiled.

"Hey, how's Geoff?", she asked, making my eyes shift to the boy. He was talking to DJ, and smiling.

Looks like someone's bonding

"Oh, good...I guess. You and Duncan?", I asked, making her look down. Oh crap, I totally forgot about the whole fight thing.

"Unstable.", she responded, making me frown. Even though I knew, I still wanted her to be allowed to vent off and stuff. Dawn had taught me pretty well in the ways of being a wannabe therapist.

"Why?", I asked, preparing myself for the rambling.

"Well, it's kinda a long story.",she said, looking back to me.

"Hey, we're gonna be sitting here for a while. I definitely got time.", I responded.

She sighed, "Well, he's been hanging out with this girl a lot. They work together and even go to the same college as he and I. She's also kinda been my best friend of who knows how long. It's just, every time I see them together he looks...happy. Genuinely, while with he and I, it just doesn't feel the same. I mean, we are very different. Maybe too many differences does this to you. He and Gwen have a lot in common, they're both punkish, they like the same music and movies, all the basic stuff like that. I think he's fallen for her, way harder than he ever did for me."

"Courtney, your logic makes no sense to me.", I said, earning a "huh" in response.

"It totally sounds like they're just friends. Take it from a girl who live with two other guys, one who's totally in love with a girl.", I responded.

"But, he's just always so happy.", she responded, trying to defend her position.

"You need to see him around you. He always has a huge smile on his face when he's with you. And differences are what make a healthy relationship. If you dated someone who was exactly the same as you, then it wouldn't be satisfying.", I concluded, making her big black eyes blink in surprise.

"Really? You really don't think he's into her?", she asked while I nodded, "Well, that's consolation at least. Thanks for listening."

"No problem, I'm always happy to help!", I responded, feeling a part of me twist.

You've never gotten along with people this well, even helping them. What has changed you?

My gaze turned back to the blonde boy who was fast asleep, making me laugh to myself.



SO yeah I'm on a roll with chapters another chapter for a book I've been on a hiatus from. Hope you enjoy and thanks for all the support and thank crazycatladymeow for the new chapter on her request! I hope you all enjoyed, and thanks for reading!

Love you all!

*Keep Calm and Be a Prep*


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