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I went on my break, at the store. I sat on those uncomfortable chairs and opened my phone. I see I received a text from the store guy.

"Hello Ellie. The store will be close tomorrow. So, I was hoping you did not have anything planned, so we could grab a coffee and discuss my offer."

I sighed. That guy won't let go, I suppose. I look at my Google calendar. Nothing planned. I sighed. I guess I will have to go. It's not as if I had anything planned anyway... And I kind of want that. Perhaps. I look around, at the poor break room. I'm glad it's my day off tomorrow.

To the least, I thought. My manager made me come to the back of the store reception.

"Are you kidding me?" I let out, tired. "I ain't coming on my day off tomorrow."

"Well, we are lacking of people to come to work tomorrow. So you do not have a choice."

I raised my eyebrow. "Legally, you cannot do that."

"Yes we can, your day will just be pushed from one day. It is not as if we were giving you no days off."

"We are supposed to be twenty people in that store, even more in terms of contracts. This is a small store. You cannot tell me anyone can come?"

"Some people have sick leaves. It is not their fault."

"It is not mine either."

"Neither it is mine." She responded. I sighed hard.

"You know what? I am still not going to come. This is unfair. When we are on Sundays, we could be seven to run an entire store, even with awful conditions and too many clients because the store manager decided we could be under proper effectives to run the store. So you all are going to do good as ten or twelve people in the store."

"This is not your choice to make."

I smile, feeling as if I was going to crush her head. But I stayed as calm as I could. "Well, in that case, I guess I could also quit or see a doctor to have a sick leaf for burnout." I say bluntly to her. I could go work with Arthur in that far and lost coffee library. That would be crazy, but why not. I have nothing more to lose. Who am I kidding? I am not even able to change my store habits. How can I jump and go for a new job.

My manager started blaming me and raising her tone. So I cut her. "Alright. You know I love you, but sometimes it is just too much. I have no responsibilities here, and I will not accept more abuse for a fucking low paid job, with people that obviously play nice to each others for favours. I'm done. I quit. Go close my checkout, I'm leaving now. And keep that store vest!" *I take off the vest and throw it on the table, where she puts all the papers and coupons for the daily accounting. I leave, not listening any more. I go to my locker, take my stuffs. I keep my padlock and leave.

I go to my car, she tried to make me stay in the store, but I just left and drove off. I did not care anymore about everything. This was too much for a job.

I just parked in a field, after more than twenty minutes driving. I go cry a bit. Dammit! Two fucking days in a ROW!

My phone lighten up. I was about to turn it off, thinking it was another call from her or the store again; but then I saw 'Arthur (the weird bookshop owner from nowhere)'... My eyes were still red, and a little swollen. I sniff and hang up.

"Yeah?..." I let out, not feeling like having a conversation right now.

"Hi, it's Arthur. You have my phone, obviously, so you know it's me." He said. I sniff, trying to find a tissue in my car.

"What do you want, Arthur?" I said, my voice betraying my lack of patience in this state of mind. I guess he could be an asshole just like those employers you can find anywhere, and decide not to sustain his job offer. But I really don't care anymore.

"Are you alright? You sound a bit-" I cut him off. "Please just tell me what you want, Sir." I let out, really desperate for a moment of peace. But a heavy silent went in. After a bit, I sighed. "Sorry. I had a rough day. What can I do for you?" I ask.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"No." I answered.


"Well, as you saw my text about tomorrow but did not reply, I thought I would call you." He explained.

"I did not? Oh, shit- I'm sorry. I was too caught up about work and life that I forgot to reply. Depression and morning crises are technically life problems, so that kept me busy. "Right, uh, yeah. I'll come tomorrow. Just send me the address, please."

"Oh, um, great!" He sounded excited yet startled a bit by me. "So, tomorrow noon? or perhaps tomorrow 10 A.M? I have the day free, so I can be available anytime. Haha." He has a nervous laugh. How can a guy like that own a bookstore... Never mind. He is a regular book person.

"It's a bit-" early... wait, no. I can't say that to a potential future boss. Can I? I don't know. "Alright. 10 AM. Just make sure to send me the address by tonight, please."

"Oh, yeah, yes, I will! Just... Talking of which... Are you sure you do not want to come tonight? There are not a lot of customers today, so I am sure one more person would be fine in the store. The fireplace is warm, I can give you another warm drink, and you could read some of the books - if it could cheer you up, I mean." What the fuck is he saying?

"Well, you're having almost no customers is not surprising, as I saw almost no one yesterday." I heard him 'pff' at the other side of the phone. I consider his offer. "I don't know... It's a bit far for me. And I'm tired, to be honest."

"Are you sure? I think it could be nice for you - like anyone - not to stay alone too long after those days. I mean. If you need a friend- or a boss- I'm here." I still don't understand him. How can a guy be nice like that? He's a trap. Not catfishing, but mentally a catfish. Something is wrong with him.

"Actually, I have plans for the night: eat ice scream in my bed with movies or series." I say, then realised how depressing my life it. Goddammit...

But he laughed. "Alright, I get it. You do not want to cross people's path. I get it. Classic introvert night having a mental breakdown." "Hey!" I let out, then he spoke again. "Well, I will send you the address tonight." He said, and we hung up. I sighed, heavily.

After a few seconds, I drove to another store and get myself a pot of ice cream, one big enough to be used a second time, or, if I'm too depressed, it could last a night. Then I drove home, locked the place and dragged myself to bed. I realised my computed had almost no battery. Such a shitty day. I plug it in and lay on my bed, with my laptop, my spoon, and ice cream.

Later, I received the address from Arthur.

Coffee, Books, and Bad Decisions: Merry ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now