Chapter 15 - True feelings

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I was speechless, Max had just kissed me. Me. It was amazing.

“Okay, I think I blacked out for a second there, what just happened” I asked Max smiling.

“Well, I found out that I was right about two things” he said with a cheeky grin.

“And what is that?” I asked curiously.

“Well I worked out that you like me, as you didn’t just kiss me back but you kissed me back” He told me, he seemed pleased with himself about that but I didn’t know why.

I could feel myself blushing, “and what was the other thing?” I asked him nervously.

“well… It was that I really like you, ever since I saw you crying because of me I have wanted to do anything to make it up to you, and I didn’t realise until now that it is because I have feelings for you” He poured out.

I couldn’t speak. “W-what-how-what-now-what-what?” I stuttered.

He chuckled, “you’re eighteen… right?” he asked me hopefully.

“Erm actually sixteen, I am seventeen in a month” I said disheartened.

“Well, age doesn’t matter, would you like to join me on a date tonight, after all there are only four years between us” he said smiling.

“yeah okay” I agreed, I was still in shock from what had happened over the last few minutes.

We went back inside and sat at the table, I started eating my sandwich. Steph kept trying to work out why I was grinning so much, she whispered something in Jay’s ear.

“So what’s up Cheshire cat” Jay asked me smiling slyly.

“Yeah why you smiling so much, you were upset a second ago” Nathan and Steph said in unison.

“No reason” I said as my grin increased in size, Max chuckled at me and Nathan gave a weird look at him.

Steph was looking at me with a curious expression on her face, I gestured for her to get up from the table. We walked over to the corner of the Subway shop.

“So what’s with the mega grin?” Steph asked me.

“Nothing, I am just happy” I explained, she could tell that I was hiding the real reason.

“Don’t give me crap, what happened with Max and you” she asked jokingly but intent on finding the truth.

“Well… he was interrogating me on everything and then out of the blue” I started.

“Out of the blue what?” She questioned curiously.

“He kissed me” I finished.

“How-what-when-where-why-what!” she exclaimed.

“Keep your voice down” I said, hushing Steph, “That’s not the end of the story” I told her.

“What there’s more, what could possibly be more than him kissing you?” She whisper shouted.

“Erm I think we are going on a date tonight” I told her, I thought she would shout at me, after all I had only known him for four days.

“Wow, if you get together, oh my gosh it would be so awesome, I am so happy for you”, she said in a high pitched squeaky voice, she hugged me and we went back to the table.

“So…” Jay said to Steph.

“Never-you-mind nosey boy” she said to him jokingly.

When we finished we left and started walking around the centre. I couldn’t believe that I was going on a date with him. I kept looking at Max, our eyes kept meeting which made us both laugh. Nathan kept giving me strange looks.

I checked my phone, I had a new message, it was from Nathan.

From Nathan:

What’s all this about? :/ x

I wondered what the concerned face was about but got side tracked by Max playfully elbowing me.

New message:

Max knows some of my true feelings, he doesn’t know the extent of it, please don’t tell him, we are going out tonight x

I saw Nathan checking his phone, he turned round and smiled at me, he looked happy but I had a feeling that there was something else under his smiling exterior.

I looked in front, Steph and Jay were walking side by side, I chuckled to myself, Jay’s hand was twitching, I could tell that he was contemplating holding Steph’s hand, but he was too nervous to do it and he backed out. I rolled my eyes.

I showed Max and I had an idea. I skipped forwards so I was in line with them, and pretended to trip, I fell into Jay so that he was bumped into Steph, I winked at Jay, he got the jist of what I had done and wrapped his hand around Steph’s. I smiled and went back to Max. I smiled to myself at the thought of Steph and Jay getting together; it would be Steph’s dream come true and more.


I know I have changed members of The Wanted's ages, it is just to fit the story :)

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