He loves Me, He loves Me Not

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I could feel the cool night air whispering in my ear. Walking slowly through our gardens I pick at a white daisy repeating the words. " He loves, He loves me not," I say those over and over until I have completely deflowered the poor little thing. Tossing the green stem to the side I wrap my my arms around myself giving myself a hug.  I could feel the the night air making my skin all bumpy and my hairs stand up straight.  

        " He loves me not." It was the very last one I had picked. Uhh I hate this game and how it always seemed to be so true. Sighing loudly I try and pull down my short night gown. 

    It was a black thigh high night gown. Spaghetti straps and silk like fabric.  " I should have grabbed my sweat shirt." Cursing myself for it in my head I continue to walk further. The cold grass curling around my bare feet with every step.

         A nice straight line of weeping willows are on either side of me. Probably making a length of 60 yds. long and 30 Ft. across. The grass was plush and and green and so amazing to walk barefoot through. Garden beds with all assorted flowers were between every other tree. Making it a colorful walk. Then when you get to the end of this you enter a long maze of beautiful well taken care of shrubbery and the most beautiful roses of red.  I was only halfway up the green grass tree path. 

   " I hate him!" Yelling in a whisper I stomped my feet and threw my hands up in the air. Letting myself fall onto my back I stared up at the night sky. I knew my blue silk under wear was showing but I didn't care. 

        " Why is that?" A voice pops in. Startling me so much I jump up and look around. The voice was a strong deep males voice. 

            " Whose there!" Nervous I let my hands grip onto my night gowns hem. Making slow circles to see where this person was I could feel my heart racing. No one could be seen.

          " Nobody you need know of darling. Now whats a pretty little rich thing like you doing out so late. Arent  you people normally asleep by now so you don't have the dark circles under your eyes?"

 Confused I wrinkle my eyebrows and blink a few times extra as if it will help me register the meaning faster.

           " I don't understand. Who are you? Where are you? What do you want? Please don't hurt me."

I hear him chuckling behind one of the trees close by on my right. Looking that way to see if a shadow was anywhere to be seen but no such luck.

       " Thats alot of questions. Just I don't really want to answer all of them. Plus I don't have to." He let out a big sigh after. My heart was racing I could feel the pulsing in neck,fingers,head,and wrists.  

  All of a sudden though a shadow stepped out from behind the tree directly in front of me on my right. A tall figure started walking closer.

 " I promise you I will scream!" I spoke loudly.

 " Then scream. But wait your curious and I know you wont anyway." Arrogant much.  

As he got closer I closed my eyes hoping  maybe this as a dream and when I opened my eyes again this would all be gone.

 " 1, i whispered in a shaky voice. 2, I counted out again but with a little more regained confidence. 3 I said boldly quite certain my lack of sleep and over dose on coffee was the reason for this illusion. Opening my eyes I came to find the dark shadow still there. Surprised I jumped into the air.  

 " Hi my name is Castle." Then it all went black.

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