What do You Want Castle

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Waking up I felt my body swaying back and forth gently. Sun was shinning down on me warming me up.  I blinked my eyes a few times to get use the the light. I just let them lay lazily open. I could feel the two strong arms around me.

        People always think living in Italy is amazing. Its peoples life dreams. Yes living in Italy is beautiful. Its just like a home to me. Just like anybody's home. 

         They think living a rich life style and having more money than you know what to do with is just the best thing on earth. For some people it is. For me its not. Money and power has made my father a monster. It makes many people monsters. My father runs a large cartel. He has so much money but he definitely knows how to use it. He is a very dangerous man. Many men work for him. There are three huge cartels. All run by three very dangerous rich families. 

The  Esposito family. The one my father wishes me to marry into. We have been very good friends with them. Yet we have been fighting with each other well ever since I can remember. My fathers taste for friends isn't exactly normal. This family lives in Lecce Italy

Then there is the Barcellona family. They live in Perguia Italy, but that's just where we know that they have one of there houses at. Really they sprawl all through out Italy. They aren't really rich rich. They just have loyal helpers and men and they seem to be able to run a good cartel. We don't really know anything about them. Actually now that I think of it I don't think we have ever even met them.

A Fresh and cool airy feeling wrapped around me engulfing me. The person caring for me lifted my head up and put a pillow under it. That to felt airy. I then realized I was being layed down onto my bed and onto my duck feathered bed spread and my duck feathered stuffed pillows. 

I finally opened my eyes to see who was there. I saw a a kind old face. There were wrinkles in his face to show his age. His brown eyes were kind and tender. He had dark olive skin. Just like me but mine was a little darker. Just a little. He had dark brown hair with little grey hair well mixing it up. I smiled because this man was like my only friend. He has been our butler ever since I was a little girl. 

His wife was my nanny. She was an amazing women. I loved her very much. But when our house was broken into one night by one of our many enemies she was killed. I felt an ache of pain in my chest as I remembered the memory. 

   " Thank you Lucas." I smiled warmly at him as he glanced down on me. He returned the smile. 

" Anything for you my dear. I must say I was quite worried when I found you this early morning. You really pushed the Mr. Cafasso last night miss. Your mother is still very upset. I had to bring her her herbal teas this morning." I rolled my eyes.

" Well its not like she tired to help me. So she can 'ache' all she wants. My mother always complained about aches when she got stressed or didn't get her way. For my father....." I let out a long sigh and let my eyes wander to the window. " Where is he today?" I hoped and hoped he would be gone. I didn't  want to see him.

" Dont worry he left early this morning for business. He wont be back till Thursday." A little smile of relief came onto my lips. Two whole days of peace. Well almost. My mother was still home.

" Thank you Lucas. I shall get dresses now and will be down for breakfast within the hour." He nodded at me and departed the room  clicking my white door closed.

Climbing out of my bed with great effort as I wanted to sleep longer. I stumbled a few steps before gaining my balance. As I was walking to my bathroom I heard a bit of movement in my closet. I froze. Maybe it was just my imaginative mind playing with my head. I continued walking to the bathroom. Still I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Or maybe that was just because it was empty?

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