I know I am Gorgeous but You don't have to Flatter Me

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 As I looked over the unclear shadow I could see a definite smirk dash smile. I could see his golden green eyes shinning in the dark. He was looking right into mine. He was a very tall man or boy. Whichever he was. His voice made him sound younger though. 

    I could feel all the words I was thinking getting choked up in my throat. So I would swallow them back down. It left me silent with my mouth hanging open in confusion. 

    " What kind of name is that." I said the stupidest thing in my head. Cursing myself for it I think about face palming myself but then I actually do it. 

   " Really Katrina!" Thinking those words but then I realized I actually said them.

          " Beautiful name!" He exclaims. Slowly he brings his hand forward taking my hand in his. I was frozen to my spot. TO scared to even move. He bends down and gently places his lips on my hand in that elegant old fashioned sort of way. " Its so lovely to meet you." His voice is like silk. Chocolate like silk but peanuts are mixed in making it a little rough and in a way sexy. Now that he is closer I have a better look. 

   He has a very well framed face.  Sharply defined cheek bones   and full lips. Gently I licked my lips.

  " Thanks" I just stared into his eyes like I was absolutely lost. I felt like I was lost in his eyes.  They were so captivating. 

          " Trust me I know I am gorgeous but you don't have to flatter me." Snapping out of it I realize he is smirking at me and is desperately trying not to laugh. I feel so embarrassed.  Instantly I can feel the heat rising up my neck and onto my cheeks. Scowling as much as I can at him I turn my back and walk away. Stupid boy I will just tell my father and he will put some guards around.

  " Not so quickly!" He makes a quick step and a skip around to me and his arms reach out settling on my shoulders and pushing me back.  His hands are warm on  my cool and chilling skin.

 " Please I need to go. I dont think your here to hurt me or anything. SO how about if you just let me go I wont say anything."  I give him a hard push back to get him away from me but he wont budge.

                 " Katrina! Katrina! We need to finish talking young lady!" I look over Castles shoulder to see a dark faded figure walking down the grass garden walk. 

                " You need to go!" I whisper desperately at him. Its my father and at the range sound of his voice he is very angry.

                " Not until you promise we can see each other again." Panicking I am looking all around wondering how he can ask such a thing. He grabs my chin and makes me focus. Focus right on those eyes. 

  " Promise me." I just slowly nod.  Then without further a due he disappeared off into the trees.  I look around to see him but nothing is there. My breathing is heavy with a breath I didn't realize I was holding.  

" Yes father coming!" I yell back at him and make my way towards him.  

" Who were you with?" Upon reaching him I can see he is very angry.  I cant tell him the truth. He would be out raged. I mean telling him I was with some incredibly hot boy who made me promise to see him again. Ya I don't think so.

 " I wasn't with anyone. I promise" Trying as hard as I possibly could to make my words believable as I lied right to my fathers face.

" E' meglio non essere sdraiati!" My father yells in his Italian tongue. The accent comes out full and thick. ( You better not be lying.)

" Vi prometto papa." My voice wavers a little and I worry he will catch on. But as his face doesn't change I am thankful to know he hasn't.  ( I promise papa)

" Come back to the house. Me and your mother must finish talking. Now that I am more calmed down we can continue." I smile a fake smile and look right past him back to the house and I can feel my stomach drop. Drop straight to the bottom of me. He wraps  his big arms around my shoulders. They weren't  as warm as his hands though. I still felt chilled under his touch. 

                                                                                        An hour later

" No mama I no!!" Yelling at my mother and walking back and forth as I walked across our wood flooring. My hands flying in the air.

  " DO not speak to me in Italian with such an attitude! You will do it!" 

  " Papa I will not do this. How can you force me to do such a thing!" I looked at my father who I looking out the window that over looked our gardens. He was busy sipping on his imported french brandy in a crystal glass shot glass. There was silence. 

" Tell your daughter that she must marry Maximo Esposito." My mother once again told papa. He was still silent.

" No mama I no!" I flopped into a chair as if all the energy I had left in me fled from me.

" Katrina you must put away these childish thoughts of love. Love isn't real. Maximo will make a good husband for you.He is rich and has much power." My father finally spoke.'His words were hurtful. The things I had heard about Maximo weren't kind. I had heard his last wife died because he beat her to death and his many mistresses were tortured. That he was a very cruel man. I mean these were just rumors. Its just the few times I have been with him he was so very........ intense. 

" You only wish me to marry him because it will make a peace bond between our familys and it will allow you to do with the power as you wish. Using me to do it!" I yell the last sentence as loud as I can and I pick the vase next to me filled with our red roses. I throw it at him as hard as I possibly can. Now on my feet I watch as he dodges it. The crystal vase shatters against the red accent wall. Crystal glass scatters onto the floor and the roses fall to the ground. I look at my father to see his shocked face. Then to my mother who is horrified. Happy with what I saw I marched out of the family room and into the dark hallways. 

 We had dark chestnut wood floors. Matching side tables were here and there with a bouquet of flowers on them. Paintings lined the white walls. Beautiful art. 

Suddenly to hands grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall. Scared I scream and struggle against it. I look up into the eyes of my father once again. 

 " What are you doing! Let me go!" I shout. He has my hands behind my back. A few strands of my hair fall onto my face. I can feel his breath on my face. The smell of brandy strong as he breaths heavily.  One hand keeps my hands behind my back and the other is on my neck.

" Stupida ragazza! Ascolterete me!" ( You stupid girl. You will listen to me) 

I can feel my feet lifting of the floor until I am on my tippy toes. My fathers hand is tightened around my throat making me sputter and choke.

" Si prega di interrompere papa" I manage to get the words out. I can feel things start to spin around.   ( Please stop papa.)  

" You will marry Maximo." With that he lets me drop to the floor. Panting heavily to catch my breath I lean up against the floor. I look out the window across from me. I see a shadow dart through a few trees before disappearing.  I just decide it was my hazy imagination playing tricks on me. I let myself lay down on the floor up against the wall. 

The tears start to fall. Dripping off my cheeks and onto the floor. My dark hair falls over my face soaking up a few tears as well. Before I know it I am falling asleep.

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