3rd update of the day because my life sucks ass!
so apparently i'm gonna have to go back to school and into LESSONS? i don't agree with that but apparently i'm failing year nine so that's cute! and some friend i ghosted just snapped me giving me a life update after about 3 weeks? for one i made a whole new account to get away from everyone and she found it (didn't even use my number or anything) and she's gone and pissed me off already. idek what to do when I go back to school like i'm so fucked and i have literally no friends whatsoever!!
might go have a cry about it now cause ik the girls are gonna be bitches to me and i'll get more boys pretending to like me (kms!)
i'm genuinely so so scared like i don't even know anyone other than her in my lessons and everyone hates me and i look worse and there's probably been rumours about me and i don't know what to do and i'm actually crying now like if i don't go i'll be more behind and i'll call myself useless but if i do go i'll have mad anxiety all day and i'll be trying not to cry 24/7.
enough yapping i'm sure like nobody cares and that's real honestly!