These are my opinions on some Creepypasta OCs I find on the internet. Note that these are my opinions and if you have a different opinion on any of the characters mentioned that's perfectly fine. Just be respectful 😊
There will be characters that y...
Hello everyone and welcome to Creepypasta characters reviews! In this book I will be looking at Creepypasta characters and giving my opinions on their backstory and appearance. Note that these are my opinions and if you have different opinions on them that's perfectly fine!
I will be looking online (mostly the Creepypasta wiki) and I will put the information, picture, my review/opinion and a gacha version of them that I created!
I'm so excited to start this new book and I hope you guys enjoy! We got a ton of characters to look at, some you know some maybe not!
Now with out further ado, let's get started with a Creepypasta OC I found on the Creepypasta wiki Bleeding Bella!
Bold with ((=my thoughts —————- OC created by HarukaMai ——————————————————————-
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Full Name Bella Johnson
Alias Bleeding Bella Bruised Bella Bella BB
((I'm guessing BB means Bleeding Bella))
Relatives Kiara Johnson (mother;alive) Andrew Johnson (father;alive) Mateo Johnson (younger brother;alive) Sam (adoptive older brother;alive) Dan (adoptive older brother;alive) Juliet (adoptive younger sister;alive)
((Holy that's a lot of relatives))
Occupation Poltergeist
((Is that a job? Idk))
Powers/skills Levitation Mind manipulation Intangibility Telekinesis Teleportation Telepathy Aura
((Interesting powers))
Status Undead
((Of course))
Species Human (ghost)
Gender Female
Hobby Scaring people Watching and learning from how other people in civilized areas work and go about their everyday lives(since she never got a chance to experience it) Coping other people's actions and sayings
((Oh wow))
Goals Kill the scientist that took her life away (succeeded) Protect her adoptive siblings from harm (on-going)
Type of pasta Benevolent poltergeist
Bella's most famous catchphrase "What a drag"
((I like it))
Something Bella says when she's very mad "I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!"
Origin Bella's parents were still in high school when her mother became pregnant with her. Her grandparents were very strict and religious so, as you would normally expect it, sex before marriage was considered to be a sin to her family. But, they also weren't big supporters of abortions either, so Bella's mother and father were forced to have Bella in secret. When she was born, she was delivered by her father somewhere far away from civilization.
Shortly after, her parents sent her to an out of state laboratory. The only information they told the lab was that her name was Bella Johnson but they could name her whatever they wanted so they called her "Subject 2946". During the 13 years she spent in the lab, she was beaten countless times for a small reason. They would hardly feed her and she was forced to share clothes with the other kids. Sometimes, the male staff would even sexually assault her and other females at night.
((Why would her parents take her to a lab? And why was she staying in the lab for those 13 years? Another thing I want to point out is that they should put the Subject 2946 under the alias since that was a name she was called.))
One day, when she is out playing, she gets hit in the head with a baseball and meets three kids: Sam, Dan, and Juliet which she later adopts as her siblings. They ask her to play with them but she declines several times. Eventually, she gives in and agrees to hang out with them. She continues to secretly play with them for the next few months.
One of the staff members realizes that she was more in a happier mood than usual so he decides to spy on her. He later finds that she's been sneaking out by climbing over the fence that surrounded the building and drags her back inside to inform the others. All of the other staff were enraged and brutally punished her by ripping out her eye, whipping her, and finally smashing her head against a wall -- killing her.
She eventually came back as a ghost and killed everyone who abused her. She also took Sam, Dan, and Juliet as her adopted siblings and would come to see them from time to time.
((I mean... the backstory wasn't bad))
Appearance Bella appears as a teenage girl with a ripped, bloodied black and white dress, brown curly hair tied with big pink bows into two sections and brown eyes. She has light brown skin with blood covering most of her face, cuts and bruises on her legs and arms.
((What about her missing eye?))
Personality Bella is a very resourceful person, open to a lot of ideas and doesn't like to say no to anyone. Being calm and analytical, she's not necessarily a leader but is willing to be a follower if she trusts the person in charge. She can be stubborn at times, hot-headed, and rude but she's usually a nice and gentle person.
Powers and abilities She can fly as high as she pleases, pick up anything with her mind, teleport to any place she wants (she can also teleport someone with her if she just touches them while using her teleportation) and she can go through any solid object with ease.
•She was created by HarukaMai. •She's mixed-race; her dad is white and her mom is black. •7 years after Bella was given away, her parents got married and had her little brother, Mateo, whom she doesn't know about. •She's bi-polar •She was born on June 12th,1973, and died in 1986. •Her height is 5'4. •She is sometimes compared to Bloody Mary. •She doesn't know how to read or write. •If she was alive today she would be 46 years old. •Her adopted brothers, Sam and Dan, are both twins and are a month older than Bella as Juliet is 9.
Review This Creepypasta was pretty good! I like the backstory and the facts so good job HarukaMai!
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