These are my opinions on some Creepypasta OCs I find on the internet. Note that these are my opinions and if you have a different opinion on any of the characters mentioned that's perfectly fine. Just be respectful 😊
There will be characters that y...
One thing I forgot to mention in the last chapter, requests are open! It can be a canon character, hell it can be your OC! Anyways on with the review! ⚠️TW⚠️ ————————————————— Created by r0xwithazero ———————————————-
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Full name Elouise Ingrid Wilson
((I kinda like how people who makes OCs (like me) they give them a middle name, I think that just adds to the creativity and thought into creating an OC))
Alias Nurse Elouise Ella/Ellie Lulu Lu-bug Lua
((I like Lu-bug that's cute 🥰))
Relatives Arthur Wilson (grandfather;deceased) Oliver Wilson (father;deceased) Kathleen Lagerlöf (mother;deceased) Aleigh Parkinson/Dr. Bloodworker (past rival, present co-worker/friend;alive)
((Do friends count as relatives?))
Occupation High school student (formally) Hospital volunteer (formally) Nurse at the Slender mansion (currently)
((I mean... if this person wants to Bellevue there is a slender mansion in their au that's okay, I won't judge))
Powers/skills Medical knowledge Emotional strength Intelligence Mastery with knives
((Makes sense with the medical knowledge since she's a nurse))
Status Undead
Species Human
((If she's undead you should probably put down resurrected human, undead human etc))
Gender Female
Hobby Helping out in the nurses office Organizing Talking
Goals Finding her deceased parents Taking vengeance on child abusers, along with keeping children safe