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Ellie's P.O.V


I woke up to the sound I dreaded hearing every morning, the beeping of my alarm clock. I trudged out of my cocoon of blankets, slid into my Bunny slippers, and headed to my bathroom to begin my morning routine.

Today marks the second week of summer, but most importantly im traveling off to Florida, in which I will be reunited with my Bestfriend Bethany. It is currently 5:30am and I have my flight at 8am. I decided to wake up a few hours early than necessary because I don't like to feel rushed. After about a hour of getting myself together and checking if I had everything I descend the stairs of my much empty home.

In my opinion there was way to much space in here and not enough people to fill it, My parents both are real estate agents that have more money than they know what to do with. They're barely home so I am usually left to care for myself. I'm their only child so its always been just me. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, I look down to see a incoming call from Bethany.


"Beth!!" I reply with an equal amount of enthusiasm.

"Just calling to make sure your up. Also a cab should be waiting to pick you up at the airport when you land that will take you straight to the beach house we rented"

"Alright thanks babe I'll call you when I land"

"Bye Chica!" With that she ended the call.

Before heading to the airport I drove down to Kaffeine,the small coffee shop and ordered a flat white with banana bread. By the time I was done and into the airport it was 7:15am. I walked up to the check in area about to pay the rest of the money I owed for my ticket.

"Hi I'm Madeline, how may I acquaint you this morning" She said with a sickening smile.

"Hey, I was wondering where I would go to pay the rest of my ticket"

"Here is fine I just need your ID and passport."

I gave here the things required and she typed away with her perfectly manicured nails.

"I'm sorry Ms.Dugman it looks like your ticket payment has been completed in full" She says with her annoying nasally voice.

"That's impossible I was €250 short" I reply genuinely confused.

"Well that's what is written on the screen, here's your ticket. Hope you enjoy your flight." She says handing me my ticket.

I looked down at the ticket she gave me and saw that my seat, once economical, was now first class.

"This has to be some joke, I'm placed in first class"

"Look Ma'am as I said before that is what was written on my computer, I did my job, if you have any other issues go on over to the customer service line." She said clearly frustrated.

Seeing that the customer service line would take more than a hour to get to the front I took the ticket and was on my way.

The whole time as I walked through security, through gate 11, and onto the plane I was wondering who would've pay for my flight. I was beyond angry that someone thought that I wasn't capable to pay for it myself. My phone buzzes and I look down.

From -Mom

Hey Hun! Just wanted to check on how your holding up, hope everything went well with your ticket. Enjoy First class have a safe flight and call me when you land ! xx

Just as I was about to type a response the flight attendant announced that we will be taking off and that all electronic should be turned off. Knowing it would be a long flight, I shut my eyes and tried to sleep.


I landed in Florida around 5 as soon as I walked out of airport I encountered a man holding up a sign with Madame Elliot written on it and walked over.

"Hello, I assume you are Ms.Elliot" The driver spoke.

"That would be me" I replied with an awkward smile "but I prefer being called Ellie"

"My apologies, as you wish Ms.Ellie" He said holding opening the door of the so I could climb in. I took this opportunity to call my mom.

"Hi El!" She answered cheerfully which only fueled my anger.

"Mom why did you change my seat to first class and pay for my ticket" I replyed trying to keep my voice calm.

"Honey I was doing you a favor why dont you sound happy"

"Happy! Why would I be happy in a situation like this!" I said incredulously

"Happy is what any other child would be in this situation! Why are you being so ungrateful"

But she didn't understand. No one understood that I didn't want things handed to me, I've had that all my life and I was tired of it. I loved the feeling of going through a struggle to get things and the feeling of accomplishment I got when I succeeded.

"Mom I was completely capable of paying for the ticket! The last place I wanted to be was in first class with a bunch of snobs who think they're better than everyone else, but of course you Wouldn't understand since you're just like them!!" I practically screamed into the phone tugging my hair in frustration.

"Umm Ms.Ellie we have arrived" The driver announced obviously uncomfortable.

I sighed "look mom I gotta go talk to you soon I guess" and hung up before she could respond.

I grabbed my things and got out of the cab, just as I was about to hand him the money I look up and he was already halfway down the road. Ok? I thought to myself.

I turned around and made my way up the steps of the beautiful beach house. I turned the door knob,stepped inside, and immediately thought this is going to be the best summer of my life.

A/N Thank you so much for reading this story! I have a lot planned and I am already in love with the characters I have.

Hope you enjoyed


All the love,

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