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After finally descending those mountain like stairs I find Bethany on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars.

"Oh my goshh," I groan "why do you still watch this they're never going to tell you who 'A' is"

"Shhhh, they're trying to figure it out right now" She says putting the volume up, eyes glued to the screen.

Ding Dong

"Pizzas here" Beth mumbled her eyes still on the screen.

"Oh no Beth sit down, I'll go get the door" I reply sarcasm laced in my voice.

I headed to the front door In a quick jog trying not to take to long. By the time I get to the door I'm full on panting as if I ran a marathon. Talk about out of shape I think to myself.

"Sorry about that, how much do I owe you?" My Breathing hitched when I finally look up from the crumpled bills in my hand.

His hair was one I could only dream of having. A mess of chesnut brown curls hung a little past his shoulders.

He Had The puriest green eyes. That churning passionate green that oceans turn during a storm. The color of the forest after it rains.

His lips were full, the kind of lips you could endlessly trace your finger around and never grow tired. Red, Anything as red as his lips had to be sweet.

His overall beauty made me want to run and hide. His whole facial structure was intricate and sculpted to perfection.

It felt as though I was staring for hours before his tounge ran a lap around his lips and he began to talk.

"Uhh, pizza delivery for Bethany ?" He said awkwardly, his cheeks flushing the slighest shade pink.

"Yea , um I'll just take that for her" I say grabbing the boxes and putting them on the foyer table.

"A-are you new around here," He blurted studying my face "its just dont look like most girls from around here"

I raise my eyebrows

"Not in a bad way, you're gorgeous err..yea?"

"Uhh thanks? I guess, you don't look like an average pizza guy yourself" I reply quickly running my eyes over his outfit.

"Oh this," He looks down as if forgetting what he was wearing "I' really close with the boss so I dont usually have to wear uniform, do I look bad"

"Oh not at all" I reply, maybe even a little too quickly causing him to smirk and me to blush.

"Thanks. What's your name, if you dont mind me asking?"


"Ellie..Short for Elliot right ?"

"Yea..I prefer Ellie, what's yours?"


"Ahh I would assume short for Harold, correct"

"No..Uhh its just Harry"

"Oh, jeez I'm sorr-"

"No its fine," He glances down at his watch "I should get going, if I could get your number that would be great. You like I could show you around.If thats okay with you, don't feel pressured into it or anything" He rambles coughing uncomfortably.

"Ok sure" I reply exchanging phones.

"Thanks, I'll text you tomorrow if you have nothing planned"


"Bye Ellie" He says with a small smile jogging to his car.

I close the door banging my head on it a few times to make sure this is reality.

"You okay Ellie" Beth says approaching me cautiously.

"Uhh to be completely honest I'm not sure..I just agreed to go out with the pizza guy tomorrow" I reply staring off into space.

"What?! You're leaving me alone on your first full day here? Tomorrow's supposed to be our day!"

"Oh gosh B I'm so sorry, I completely forgot" I sigh running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah I see that" she snaps grabbing the pizza boxes heading back to her spot on the couch.

"Oh come on Beth we could still go out"

"Yeah we could but that isn't the point. Its the fact that I've been waiting for summer to come, waiting for you to come back and you're standing me up for a guy you just met!"

I was about to reply when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Harry: Hi, What time should we begin exploring ? H.

Me: Sorry to cancel but Beth (My best friend) & I apparently have plans. Raincheck ?

Harry: Sure text me whenever. xx

"You're not even listening to me!"

"Sorry Beth I just canceled, I'm all yours we can do whatever you'd like"

"Great. We could go to the bonfire the neighbors invited us to" She says excitedly.

This is what I loved about our friendship our fights never lasted to long before it is resolved.

"Which neighbors," I question "We just got here, who could you possibly know?"

"Their these really hot guys that live a few houses down. Apparently they're on vacation too, they just started a little earlier. I met one when I was bringing my stuff in."

"Alright, sounds cool. What should we do during the day?"

"Anything really. We should probably shop for some clothes more fitting to the weather"

"True, I could use a good trip to Victoria's Secret"

"Sounds like a plan Dan" she chuckles cuddling into me.

"Seriously Beth, never do that again" I reply between laughs.


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