The urge to leave my bed has never been so far from me
Right on my finger tips but I'd have to get up to reach it...
Finally out of bed but the siren calls of my pillow and blanket have me so dazed that the straight steps to the door seem to be a mazeI'm amazed that I've managed to hold on this long
Tooth and nail forgone
As gums grind to silence my mind from the pain of phalanges nubbedThe urge to leave my cacoon has never been more distant
I don't have the strength to bloom
The fight to break the seam is far from me
The bolder that has taken residence on the plates of my chest seems not to shift though I quake.The urge to exsist is becoming just as real as cotton candy in a stream
With all the urgency of the titanicThe urge lacks the urgency I need.
I baitedly wait to be urgent again...