Ain't it funny how we go through all the motions
So caught up in our emotions
That we turn to potions that leave
Us gasping for air drowning in oceans
Of unknown notions.
beg for your forgiveness, as,
create a commotion aboutYour devotion to the faith on which you stand.
Is it just for a promotion or will
Removing you cause demotion.
My friend it's all an allusion of the fact that we all must die.We all will die.
If not to death in life that through Jesus Christ crucified we live move have our being. if~ not crucified with Him then we die the death of sinners. the death of unbelievers and blasphemers we die a thousand deaths in one for with the breath of life that comes with The Breath of life has left this body behind what use then is this mortal man.
What then is my purpose on this earth. why go on living like swines in the dirt? Why continue being hurt ? Why eat until the girth around us as mortal man has superseded our ambitions while the dearth of spiritual consistency confuses not only ourselves but gives way to the enemy to laugh at our demise.
Brethren be wise!