Oma's POV
As I walked toward the garden, the late afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the sprawling ranch, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. The air was thick with the scent of freshly turned earth and blooming wildflowers, and I breathed it in deeply, feeling my heart slow its pace.
I had just finished speaking with Mama Becca and our conversation still lingered in my mind. Her words had touched a tender spot within me, and I felt grateful for her wisdom and kindness.
As I approached the garden, I saw Megan already at work, her auburn hair catching the sunlight as she chatted with her son, who was rolling around in the soft grass nearby. His laughter rang out like music, and I couldn't help but smile.
Megan caught sight of me and waved me over enthusiastically. "Oma! Oh, darlin', c'mere now!" she called, her West Virginia drawl rich and warm. I hesitated for only a moment before stepping into the garden.
The rich soil felt springy under my feet, and I noted the careful rows of vegetables and flowers Megan had clearly tended with care. Megan handed me a spare pair of gloves and a trowel. "Here ya go. Can't have ya standin' idle while I'm doin' all the work," she teased, her green eyes sparkling.
I gave a small smile, slipping the gloves on. "Thank you." My voice was soft, almost hesitant.
As we worked side by side, Megan asked me about Logan, about how I was adjusting to life on the ranch. I felt the familiar weight of the question—how I was doing, how I was fitting in, how I was coping in a world that always seemed to remind me I didn't quite belong.
"It's...quiet," I replied finally, keeping my voice measured. Megan laughed, a light, musical sound.
"Yeah, reckon it is quiet out here compared t'what yer used to. But quiet ain't always a bad thing, ya know." I nodded, feeling a small sense of relief.
Megan tilted her head, studying me. "But I can tell quiet ain't all that's on yer mind. You been gettin' along alright with Logan? I know he can be a tough nut t'crack." I glanced at her, uncertain how to respond.
Logan had been...kind, in his own way. He kept his promises, was dependable, and had a way of making me feel safe without saying much at all. But there was a distance to him, a shadow that lingered in his eyes whenever our gazes met.
"He's...quiet, too," I admitted. Megan chuckled and nudged me playfully with her elbow.
"Aw, don't gimme that! I can see ya wrestlin' with somethin'. What's he like when it's just the two of ya?" I hesitated again, but Megan's genuine curiosity and warmth made it hard to hold back.
"He listens," I said finally. "And he...he tries. I think that's what matters." Megan let out a soft hum, her smile turning wistful.
"That sure sounds like Logan. Always been the type t'keep his feelin’s tucked away where no one can find 'em. But ya know what, Oma? I reckon you're good for him. He ain't used to someone like you—a gal who's sweet but tough, who don't need him t'say everythin' out loud to understand him."
I felt my cheeks warm at Megan's words, but I quickly ducked my head, pretending to focus on the soil. "I'm just...trying to do my best. I don't want to let him down." Megan's expression turned surprised.
"Let him down?" she repeated. "Oma, honey, yer doin' the exact opposite! Logan's been carryin' guilt round with him fer years—ever since his sister passed. But when he's with you, I see somethin' different in him. Like maybe he's startin' t'believe he deserves somethin' good in his life."
I felt my chest tighten at Megan's words. I hadn't realized how much I'd been affecting Logan—or how much he'd been affecting me.
The conversation shifted towards lighter topics and we continued to work on the garden.

RomantikLogan made a vow to a man on his death bed to look after his daughter, Oma. A biracial young woman navigating life in a world where she feels like she belongs nowhere, Oma has faced rejection from both the black and white communities. Her bright sp...